138 Union
"Queen Dowager." Yao Fei'er yelled awkwardly at the Queen Mother, but she still gritted her teeth and called out. What is Xia Heyi up to? !

Nalan Yun was very amiable because of Princess Fei's "Queen Dowager", "How is Princess Fei recently?"

Yao Fei'er: "······" In addition to calling me random names when you came up with feelings, you just came to ask me if I was okay? !Yao Fei'er raised her head, looked at the Queen Mother politely and said, "Queen Mother, since you have something to ask me, it must not be simply to ask me if I am well recently, right? Why don't we just go straight to the point and explain it clearly?"

Nalan Yun nodded appreciatively, "Yes. I like talking to smart people like you, Princess Fei."

Xia Heyi spoke seriously, but from Yao Fei'er's point of view, Xia Heyi was just mocking her now!Said she was smart?In fact, Xia Heyi must be treating her like a fool in her heart right now?

But this time, Yao Feier really guessed wrong.

Xia Heyi is now interpreting the role of "Empress Nalanyun" very seriously, because when Gu Zhiyang was looking for her just now, he only told her what she said just now.But now, how to proceed, Gu Zhiyang only said one word, "Unite."

In fact, Xia Heyi really wanted to growl in his heart, unite, unite wool?Before she fully understood Gu Zhiyang's intentions, she had already stepped onto the stage.That being the case, then let's do whatever you want to "follow the vines and touch the melon", if Gu Zhiyang's acting is poor, you can't come and find fault with me!I have Ji Shaoyi!Someone is covering it!
"Then—what does the Empress Dowager mean?"

Nalan Yun said sternly, "Unite!"

Take Gu Zhiyang's words out intact, and as for what to unite with, I leave it to you.Just think about my words carefully!If you're asking me what union means, then I'll take this opportunity to hurt you!You said you were smart just now, why are you stupid now?Anyway, she can't suffer!Xia Heyi thought in her heart.

Concerning Nalan Yun's "union", Princess Fei thought for a moment and said, "What does the Queen Mother mean, that we will gather the strength of you and me to deal with our enemies together?" Yao Fei'er didn't say anything Straightforwardly point it out, but she really doesn't want to stand alone on this stage with Xia Heyi again, Xia Heyi should get acquainted and quickly end this scene!
our enemy? ?Xia Heyi thought quickly in her mind, yes!
"Yeah. What Princess Fei said is reasonable, but it still lacks some points. Yes, our common enemy!" Nalan Yun didn't want to wait for Yao Fei'er to continue BB, and said directly, "You just want to steal Go back to Nanfeng, let him be yours for the rest of his life. And me, it's very simple, I just want Huangyan to die! The biggest problem between Huangyan and Nanfeng is that they fell in love with the same woman. Therefore, as long as you hold this woman in your hands, don't worry about Nanfeng not compromising with you, don't worry, Huang Yan won't die."

Yao Feier's eyebrows twitched, although she wanted to break up Nanfeng and Jinxiu, but after what Nalanyun said, it would mean that she was completely forced to destroy Nanfeng and Jinxiu. Does the identity of the emotional villain come up?In this way, she is playing a bad character!Damn it!Damn Xia Heyi, I won't bypass you!
(End of this chapter)

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