Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 140 One point of knowledge

Chapter 140

"Fool." Lu Yaoguang touched Xia Heyi's head, "I haven't changed my clothes yet, my body is covered in blood, aren't you afraid of getting dirty by me if you lean over like this?" Yao Guang also felt in his heart that Gu Zhiyang's Nanfeng was really good!

At least, after Jinxiu died, that heart-piercing cry really shocked her.

Even if the stage play is over now, she is the same, and she can't let go.

After the stage play ended, everyone went to change their costumes. During this period, Lu Yaoguang wanted to find Gu Zhiyang and thank him, but unfortunately, Gu Zhiyang didn't know where he was and couldn't see it everywhere. to the silhouette.

But on the way to find Gu Zhiyang, he accidentally talked to someone.

"Lu Yaoguang," Yao Fei'er walked in front of Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang looked very calm, "Is there something wrong?"

Yao Fei'er smiled coldly, "Don't be too complacent, Nan Feng is Nan Feng after all, just a fictional character."

Lu Yaoguang looked at Yao Fei'er, "Of course I know that."

"So, I advise you, it's better to be sensible, Zhiyang is not something you can just climb up to, I don't care what the reason is for you to live in Zhiyang's house, I advise you, leave early!" This is the first time Yao Fei'er warned a girl to stay away from Gu Zhiyang. The previous people were either dealt with by Zhiyang before she made a move, or after she made a little effort, " Retire in spite of difficulties", but Lu Yaoguang...

Not only let her escape again and again!Moreover, it was Zhiyang who helped her escape!

The stage play that ended just now, Zhiyang's last performance made her panic, panic for no reason.Lu Yaoguang, perhaps one day, will surpass the existence of "her".

No!Can't!After all, she waited for so many years, and finally arrived at the present moment. How could she be snatched away by Lu Yaoguang, a woman who appeared out of nowhere? !
"I think you may have misunderstood." Lu Yaoguang explained, "Gu Zhiyang and I are not in the relationship you think."

"The relationship I was thinking about? Unfortunately, I didn't think about any relationship. In short, it's best for you to leave early, otherwise, don't blame me!" Angrily left.

After Yao Fei'er left, Lu Yaoguang's hand was gradually held, and then quickly let go. She no longer chose to look for Gu Zhiyang, but returned to Xia Heyi's side.

"Where is the person?" There should be no one in a dilapidated large warehouse, but at this moment, a person's voice echoed.

"Report, inside."

"well done."

As the footsteps gradually approached, the bound girl in the warehouse trembled.

The person who was approaching gradually, with his clothes still on, ordered someone to bring him here after the stage play ended. This person, of course, was Gu Zhiyang.

And the person who was tied up and shivering was naturally Fang Lijuan.After she was dragged away by Huang Shushu, Huang Shushu left her where she was alone. If she thought something wrong, she had to leave quickly!Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped out of the gate of St. Geli's College, she was tied up here. Her eyes were blindfolded from the beginning to the end. Who caught her?who caught her...
And this answer was obtained after the cloth strips covering the eyes were removed.

(End of this chapter)

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