Chapter 144 What a Trouble

"did not hear."

It's a pity that there will be someone in this world who is not only not afraid of Gu Zhiyang's anger, but also dares to disobey Gu Zhiyang when he is angry.

"..." Gu Zhiyang wanted to be angry, but in the end, he still didn't vent his anger on Lu Yaoguang, so he had to hold back and didn't speak.

Lu Yaoguang quietly glanced at the angry Gu Zhiyang, and secretly smiled in her heart, the unpleasant mood she had accumulated just now, at this moment, seemed to have all drifted away.

Gu Zhiyang drove Lu Yaoguang home, Lu Yaoguang's stomach became more and more uncomfortable, and he hurried back to his room as soon as he got out of the car, completely ignoring Gu Zhiyang who was standing behind her with a dark face.

Don't even have a serious thank you for saving you? !Gu Zhiyang is really full of anger, but why, if a woman doesn't thank you, is it possible that you still want to force her to thank you?
Lu Yaoguang went straight to the bathroom, his face was already pale.

Sure enough, a "good friend" came to visit.

The pain on the first day just started at this time. At first it was labor pain. Although it was not unbearable, the pain from time to time was almost unbearable. After a while, the pain was "arrogant and domineering". When the attack came, Lu Yaoguang only felt nauseous and nauseous, rushed to the sink to retch, tears flowed out, and tightly covered his stomach with his hands, trying to relieve the pain, but the "good friend" just didn't cooperate , the raging became even more joyous, and Lu Yaoguang struggled even to open the bathroom door.

Getting out of the bathroom was originally only a few steps away, but now the process has become very long. Every step of walking feels like being stabbed by a knife.

So sad···

Lu Yaoguang bowed her body and wanted to go back to the bed to rest for a while, but it was so painful that she couldn't walk, so she had to drag her body to the corner and wrap herself up in a ball. It hurt so bad...

The fingers kept clenching into fists, then loosened, and then clenched again, and so on, or grasped the surrounding things, even though it hurt so much, Lu Yaoguang still clenched his teeth, neither crying nor shouting.

She kept telling herself in her heart: Yaoguang, come on!Bear with it, bear with it for a while and it will pass!Hold on, hold on, hold on...

It's time for dinner.

Gu Zhiyang was about to eat, but Steward Shen walked up to Gu Zhiyang, "Master, Miss Lu, she hasn't gone downstairs to eat yet."

Gu Zhiyang put down the chopsticks in his hand, "She didn't eat if she didn't eat, anyway, she would come down to eat when she was hungry, why are you telling me this?"

Steward Shen was a little embarrassed, "I have already ordered someone to call Miss Guo Lu, but there was no answer in the room, and the door is locked..."

no answer?Still lock the door?
Gu Zhiyang frowned, and tried to move the chair away. This Lu Yaoguang is getting more and more outrageous!It's fine if you don't come down to eat at meal time, why should she be called by others?Still worrying Butler Shen? !Thinking of this, Gu Zhiyang glanced at Steward Shen, "Uncle Shen, do you care too much about her?"

When Shen Bo heard Gu Zhiyang say this, he looked at Gu Zhiyang in surprise, "Master, I..." I just care about Miss Lu!
Gu Zhiyang shook his hand, "Forget it, we'll talk about it later, now go and see what's going on with her, why she neither opened the door nor answered, what a trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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