Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 151 You Didn't Trust Me

Chapter 151 You Didn't Trust Me

punish?Lu Yaoguang couldn't believe it, "What is the punishment? I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be punished by you?!"

"Didn't you do anything wrong?" Gu Zhiyang narrowed his eyes dangerously, and looked at someone who was "righteous and confident". In fact, Lu Yaoguang was really righteous, because she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong ah!
"You didn't trust me, this is the biggest mistake!"

Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang speechlessly, "Why should I trust you? Are you kidding me, Gu Zhiyang, what do you have that I can trust?"

Gu Zhiyang grabbed Lu Yaoguang off, "It's because every time you are in danger, I will rescue you. Just because you are sick, I will stay by your side and take care of you."

Gu Zhiyang spoke very seriously, so that Lu Yaoguang had no way to refute.

What Gu Zhiyang said was, whether it was the time when the squad leader had an accident, or the stage play, or the mouse incident, or last night...

Seeing that Lu Yaoguang didn't respond, Gu Zhiyang let go of Lu Yaoguang.

"Thank you!" After a long time, Lu Yaoguang's voice sounded from inside the car.

Gu Zhiyang was so scared that his hands almost slipped, but Gu Zhiyang raised the corner of his mouth, "What did you say? I didn't hear it!"

Lu Yaoguang shook his school uniform nervously, "Thank you!" This time, his voice was slightly raised.

"Huh? Didn't hear it!" Gu Zhiyang said, moving his body towards Lu Yaoguang.

There is such a kind of person who is absolutely—— owe Bian!
"I say! Thank you!" Lu Yaoguang yelled at Gu Zhiyang's ear, which made Gu Zhiyang shrink back.

Lu Yaoguang was amused by Gu Zhiyang's big reaction, and covered his mouth and laughed.

Gu Zhiyang glanced at Lu Yaoguang, and wanted to say something, but seeing Lu Yaoguang's smile, he didn't speak after all.

The sports car is halfway through.

"You, is it still hurting?" Gu Zhiyang looked at the front of the car, but asked Lu Yaoguang who was covering his stomach again.

Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang and saw that he was driving the car intently. "It doesn't hurt anymore..."

"Nonsense!" Gu Zhiyang immediately retorted Lu Yaoguang, this time, he was a little angry, "Why do you do this every time, you are obviously so painful that you don't want to ask others for help! The people around you are like this Isn't it worthy of your trust? You have to carry everything yourself! Who do you think you are? With such great abilities, your body will be destroyed by you sooner or later, do you know?"

"I..." Lu Yaoguang said, but he didn't say anything after all.

Because in the past, I have endured it all by myself...

She couldn't say this sentence.

"Like this time, you passed out from the pain last night, you know? You still want to go to school for me today! I think you should stop calling Lu Yaoguang, and call Lu stubborn!" Gu Zhiyang said The more I think about it, the more angry I am, how can there be a girl who doesn't care about her body so much?This is going to be another girl, let alone whether it hurts or not, the period is just to ask for leave, okay?What an idiot like you!The pain is so painful that you still insist on going to school, who do you insist on showing? !
Lu Yaoguang lowered her head, she couldn't find any words to refute Gu Zhiyang.My stomach hurts, but that is the first day after all, as long as I endure the first day, the second day will pass, the third day, the fourth day...
"Jen Ren is over..." This sentence was murmured out.

(End of this chapter)

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