Chapter 153 What are you doing?

Gu Zhiyang took Lu Yaoguang's schoolbag and walked into Lu Yaoguang's classroom very solemnly.

"Wow—look, look! Young Master Gu!"

"My God! How did he come to our classroom?!"

"Gosh, snap it up, snap it down!"


There was a commotion in the classroom because of Gu Zhiyang's arrival.

Amid the turmoil, Gu Zhiyang walked to Lu Yaoguang's place as if no one was around.

Lu Yaoguang hurried into the classroom, and when she saw Gu Zhiyang sitting in her seat, she hurried to Gu Zhiyang's side and grabbed Gu Zhiyang's bag, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing?" Well!" Carefully lowering her volume, but helpless, at this moment she has become the focus of everyone in the class.

"What am I doing?" Gu Zhiyang raised his legs, "Come to class!"

"Are you kidding?" Lu Yaoguang exclaimed, and then lowered her body, "Your classroom is not here, and why are you sitting in my seat?"

This time, Gu Zhiyang did not answer Lu Yaoguang's words, but stood up and touched Lu Yaoguang's face. Since he wanted to catch up with Gu Zhiyang just now, Lu Yaoguang ran for a while enduring his physical discomfort. Now my face is much whiter than it was in the morning.

Gu Zhiyang frowned, "It hurts again?"

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

What is this!

"Gu Zhiyang, I'm very grateful that you care about me. But, but now, can you go back to your classroom first?" She didn't want to make herself the leader of the crowd again because of Gu Zhiyang.

Although, it has, possibly, become... =_=
But if it can be reduced to the lowest level, it must be reduced to the lowest level!
"I'm going to class here today. What's the matter?" Gu Zhiyang couldn't help feeling a little angry when he saw that Lu Yaoguang cared so much about being in the same classroom as her.

Stubborn Lu, do you know how many women out there wish to take classes with this young master?Don't talk about class, or sit together in class!
What a woman who doesn't know what to do!Look at your look of disgust and avoidance!Who are you hiding from?Who do you dislike? !

"You..." Just as Lu Yaoguang was in trouble, Xia Heyi, Ji Shaoyi and Yunyi walked into the classroom together.

When Ji Shao saw Gu Zhiyang sitting there one by one, his face immediately turned down.The smile on Yunyi's face also disappeared...

Oh my god? !It's another "one king" VS "two young men", so scary...

The people in the classroom no longer looked at Gu Zhiyang's rubbing, but obediently did their own things, for fear that something might happen and hurt themselves.

"Yaoguang!" Xia Heyi quickly ran to Lu Yaoguang's side, pulled Lu Yaoguang affectionately, and whispered in Lu Yaoguang's ear, "Yaoguang, this is, what's going on?!"

But in Gu Zhiyang's eyes, Xia Heyi's "not knowing the severity" move will obviously make Lu Yaoguang very uncomfortable!

Gu Zhiyang immediately pulled Lu Yaoguang towards him, and the other hand was about to hit Xia Heyi's hand that was holding Lu Yaoguang——

It was too late, but before being hit by Gu Zhiyang, Xia Heyi was dragged back by another force and slammed into a warm embrace. Immediately, a voice sounded, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing?!"

"What are you doing?!" At the same time, Gu Zhiyang's voice sounded, but he was speaking to another person.

Yunyi held Lu Yaoguang's hand to prevent her from being dragged away by Gu Zhiyang...

(End of this chapter)

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