Chapter 156
Xia Heyi clicked on her mobile phone, and after reading the news, she felt very happy, and excitedly said to Lu Yaoguang, "Yaoguang, look! Look, I know Fang Lijuan is definitely not a good person! Now, I will be punished." Right? Served it right."

After Lu Yaoguang read the news, he looked at Gu Zhiyang, and Gu Zhiyang waved his hands. Although, he also wanted to know who took care of that person who owed him a lesson, so thank him very much by the way!However, Lu Yaoguang said to let him let her go, so he just said "throw her out". As for why this message appeared now, he really didn't know or understand.

Lu Yaoguang didn't speak, looking at Gu Zhiyang's appearance, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him.Well, trust him for once.Although, Fang Lijuan will never forgive what Fang Lijuan did to her this time!This matter cannot be settled with just an apology.

That was during a stage play!If Gu Zhiyang hadn't appeared at that time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Although she also thought that the purpose of Fang Lijuan coming to her to apologize to her when the stage play was in progress and wanting to be friends with her might not be simple, but she never thought that this was not simple, but also built on the basis of ruining everyone's life. Hard work these days!
Only this point, she will never back down!
But like now, a girl's reputation is so ruined.

She would feel sorry for her too, but never sympathy!
Ji Shao glanced at Yunyi, Yunyi was reading a book quietly, under the sunlight, Yunyi was as holy as a prince charming.

It's a pity that only he knows that Yunyi has made a move.

"Hey, it's no wonder Fang Lijuan didn't come to school today! Tell me, will she dare to come to school from now on?"

"Hahaha! I don't think she has that face! It's a pity that those photos can't be saved or screenshots, otherwise, I must keep them and take them out to enjoy them when I have time!"

"That's right! Who made her be so arrogant and domineering before, and still love to pretend to be pitiful in front of Young Master Yun? I've long since disliked her!"

Outside the corridor, there were some noisy voices, and people in the workplace began to discuss this matter.

Lu Yaoguang looked around, feeling a little chilled.

People, that's it.

When you are glamorous, meet the high climb.Once you are down and out, it will become a wall and everyone will push you down.

Although the word "人" is simple, just a single stroke, but in this stroke, there is such a great knowledge.

And the connotation of the word "person" is especially vividly reflected in St. Geli College.

"Noble Quarters", "Slums".

The so-called "the world is hot and cold", presumably, that's what it said.

Lu Yaoguang looked at her hands in a daze, that's why she doesn't like "groups and groups", she is fine alone.

The most important thing about friends is not having many friends, but having someone who can treat you sincerely.

Fortunately, she has it by her side.

Lu Yaoguang looked at Xia Heyi, and put away her mobile phone, "Okay, don't look at these. It makes me feel bad."

Xia Heyi was a little confused by Lu Yaoguang's words, she didn't feel bad!However, since Yao Guang doesn't want her to watch it, then she doesn't like it!

"By the way, Yaoguang, I remember that in a few days, it will be—" Xia Heyi thought for a while, then whispered into Lu Yaoguang's ear, "You, birthday, day!"

(End of this chapter)

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