Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 166 Is This The Surprise You Want To Give Me? !

Chapter 166 Is This The Surprise You Want To Give Me? ! (3)

Not only was there a series of text descriptions attached to the message, there were also Lu Qi wearing revealing clothes, staying with the guests, and coming out of the hotel door...all kinds of nasty photos were on it.

"Look, look! She is her, she is Lu Yaoguang!"

"I really didn't expect that Young Master Gu's 'poodle' came from such a source! Tell me, does Young Master Gu know?"

"Hehe, what nonsense! How could Young Master Gu know? If Young Master Gu knew, how could he tolerate such a person with dirty blood staying by her side!"

The onlookers looked at Lu Yaoguang who had been staring at the bulletin board, and made fun of him rustling aside.

"That's right, that's right, she's like this, don't talk about 'poodles', she's not even worthy of carrying shoes for Young Master Gu!"

"Hahaha, tell me, after Mr. Gu knows about her background, will he still look at her?"

"You said, her mother is in that kind of business, will she also..." A man next to him looked Lu Yaoguang up and down with a lewd look.

"Hey! Don't tell me, maybe, you have been treated like her unclean mother..."

As if Lu Yaoguang didn't hear the words around him, he fixed his eyes on the information on the bulletin board. After reading for a while, he suddenly rushed forward and tore off all the information on the bulletin board.

Regarding Lu Yaoguang's somewhat crazy behavior, those people were even worse and said, "Don't tear it up! Why tear it up!"

"That's it! We all know what we should know, okay? What's the use of tearing it up now? Isn't it just as embarrassing?"

"I guess, she's not afraid that we will know, but she's afraid that Young Master Gu will know! It's a pity, Young Master Gu has come here long ago! Your mother is a vile..." The boy hadn't finished speaking , stared at by Lu Yaoguang's slightly red eyes, for some reason, he didn't say what he was going to say later.

Holding the torn papers in his hands, Lu Yaoguang approached the boy who spoke step by step, "Where is Gu Zhiyang?"

"Uh..." Lu Yaoguang looked at the boy with horror, and for a while, he didn't respond.

"I ask you where Gu Zhiyang is!" Lu Yaoguang erupted, trembling all over, it was a kind that was on the verge of eruption after desperately suppressing it.

After being yelled at by Lu Yaoguang, the boy finally said, "In the classroom..."

Then, I saw Lu Yaoguang rushing towards Gu Zhiyang's classroom as if going crazy.

"It's your birthday in a few days."

I obviously didn't tell you...my birthday.Why do you know?

"Tomorrow, I will give you a shocking surprise in the whole school."

"Tomorrow, I will give you a shocking surprise in the whole school."

Since I heard that sentence yesterday, it has become a word of infinite expectation, but now, it seems like a call from hell, slowly dragging Lu Yaoguang into the bottomless darkness...

why why!
Could it be that this is the surprise you want to give me, a sensation in the whole school?

Let the whole school know about my mother in this way?
Gu Zhiyang,
as you wish,
Such a sensational "surprise" in the whole school really surprised her...
(End of this chapter)

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