Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 172 Lu Yaoguang is my Gu Zhiyang's woman!

Chapter 172 Lu Yaoguang is my Gu Zhiyang's woman!

Everyone around made a surprised sound, and looked at the scene in front of them with disbelieving eyes on their faces. Young Master Gu, he actually kissed such a woman whose blood was bleeding? !

Lu Yaoguang also reacted after being stunned for a while, and began to struggle, if he couldn't struggle, he kicked him!However, Gu Zhiyang clamped Lu Yaoguang so tightly that she couldn't even move!
After the long kiss was over, Lu Yaoguang blushed and panted, before he had time to react to what Gu Zhiyang did to him, Gu Zhiyang grabbed her hand, He held it up high and announced to everyone: "Lu Yaoguang is my Gu Zhiyang's woman!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Lu Yaoguang was as shocked as everyone else. She remembered that at the wedding banquet before, Gu Zhiyang only said that she lived in his house, and did not say such possessive words. Why those people changed their attitude towards her back then was nothing more than guessing about her relationship with Gu Zhiyang.

However, today, Gu Zhiyang directly clarified the relationship between her and him in front of everyone.

What Lu Yaoguang didn't know was why Gu Zhiyang told him "keep shooting" after he found out that the person wearing black-rimmed glasses was shooting.

St. Geli College strictly protects all information in the college. It is absolutely impossible for files on the campus network to be lost outside. Therefore, in order to prevent some advanced hackers, in St. For the activity, you must use the supporting mobile phone of St. Geli. When the recorded information is connected to the campus network synchronously, the camera of the supporting mobile phone will automatically emit a red dot flashing.

Regarding this paragraph, Gu Zhiyang knew it clearly!

Therefore, the person with the black-rimmed eyes just now is obviously uploading Lu Yaoguang's behavior of being humiliated by throwing stones on the campus network. Presumably, there are already many people on the campus network watching this "okay play".

There was a sneer on the corner of his lips, the insult Lu Yaoguang received today, he will definitely find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and return these insults to the other party a hundred times, a thousand times!

How dare you attack his people?Since you have already made preparations not to want to live, then don't blame him for being lenient!

"In the future, whoever dares to touch her will have trouble with me, Gu Zhiyang!" After Gu Zhiyang swore domineeringly, he took Lu Yaoguang away, leaving everyone with stunned faces behind.

"Gu Zhiyang, let me go! Let me go..." On the school road, Gu Zhiyang kept holding Lu Yaoguang, but Lu Yaoguang desperately wanted to take his hand away from Gu Zhiyang's. Breaking free, Gu Zhiyang stopped suddenly. Lu Yaoguang was unprepared for a moment and bumped into Gu Zhiyang's back. Then, Gu Zhiyang turned around and picked him up by the waist.Lu Yaoguang faced down, realizing that Gu Zhiyang was hugging her in such a way, and struggled again.

"Pa--pa--" However, the bursts of pain from his butt first made Lu Yaoguang stunned for a moment, and then his entire face was occupied by anger and shame!
"Gu Zhiyang, you!" He actually spanked her? !
"Shut up! If you keep quarreling, I'll fucking carry you to the group of people just now and let them enjoy the scene of me spanking your ass!"

(End of this chapter)

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