Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 175 Are you going to protect her?

Chapter 175 Are you going to protect her?
Lu Yaoguang was not frightened by Gu Zhiyang's actions, but seeing Gu Zhiyang's reaction so strongly, he couldn't help but secretly wondered whether it was Gu Zhiyang who did it?
"Forget it, I've shown you the evidence. Since you still don't believe me, then I can't help it." After calming down for a moment, Gu Zhiyang stood beside Lu Yaoguang, and with his whole body, he circled Lu Yaoguang in his arms and stretched out his hand towards Lu Yaoguang. Later, untie Lu Yaoguang.

The whole body was surrounded by Gu Zhiyang's arms, and the unique aura of Gu Zhiyang's body came out in bursts. Lu Yaoguang unconsciously turned his head to one side, but after seeing the scar on Gu Zhiyang's hand, Eyes flicker.

The exposed part of Gu Zhiyang's arm had several traces of being smashed by stones.

Just now, he rushed to protect himself.

Could it be, isn't it really him?

"Gu Zhiyang, really, didn't you do it?" A low voice came out of his mouth. This was an unconscious question after thinking for a while. When he saw the information on the bulletin board just now, Everyone lost their minds.According to Gu Zhiyang's temperament, he seems to have no need to lie to himself.

As for Gu Zhiyang, who was untying Lu Yaoguang, after hearing what Lu Yaoguang said, ecstasy flashed across his face, but the words and tone of his mouth were still the same as before, and he replied coldly: " Um."

silence -

The rope was finally untied, Lu Yaoguang rubbed his arms, and the moment he raised his head, he happened to meet Gu Zhiyang's eyes, and the four eyes met——

Lu Yaoguang took the lead as a deserter, Gu Zhiyang's eyes were too hot, she couldn't bear it... subconsciously stood up and fled, but when she wanted to step out, she sat down hard because her feet were not untied. Down.And because she stood up suddenly, Gu Zhiyang was unprepared at all, was knocked on the head, straightened up quickly, but laughed when he saw Lu Yaoguang fall down on the chair again because the restraints on his feet hadn't touched.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Yaoguang said angrily, looking at the mastermind behind his actions, then bent down and untied himself.After untying the rope, Lu Yaoguang got up and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Gu Zhiyang put away his smile and looked at Lu Yaoguang who was about to leave.

Lu Yaoguang bowed her head and stopped, "Looking for Yao Fei'er! I, Lu Yaoguang, am not a persimmon to be manipulated by others! I must ask her to give me an account of this!"

"Wait a minute!" Gu Zhiyang stopped him, and in a daze, he had already walked up to Lu Yaoguang, "Leave this matter to me."

Lu Yaoguang looked slightly cold, "Can I understand what you said as, you want to protect her?"

"No!" Gu Zhiyang replied, "I won't protect her. But I hope you leave this matter to me. I promise, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Lu Yaoguang thought for a moment, should Gu Zhiyang do it?Yao Feier likes Gu Zhiyang, so she wants to make her look bad, but now, Gu Zhiyang wants to settle accounts with Yao Feier for her.Hehe, this relationship can't help but make people feel funny.

"Yes." The corners of Lu Yaoguang's lips rose, revealing a completely different smile from the usual one. This smile contained a sense of revenge, which made her seem to be blackened, " But it’s okay, what I want is a satisfactory answer!" She will not let anyone who touches her bottom line go!

(End of this chapter)

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