Chapter 183 Something Happened (4)

Because Xia Heyi said the word "shut up" to him, Xia Mingzhi almost turned pale with anger, "Your friend? You become so indifferent when you stay with this kind of person! How dare you do that?" talk to me?"

"This kind of person?" Xia Heyi snorted, "What kind of person? No matter how bad she is, she won't want to kill me!"

Seeing that the atmosphere between Xia Heyi and Xia Mingzhi became more and more awkward, Mother Xia didn't know what to do.

"You—!" Xia Mingzhi's crutch hit the floor again, then he raised his crutch and pointed at Lu Yaoguang, "Get out! You are not welcome here!"

But the next moment, the crutch pointing at Lu Yaoguang was grabbed by someone.

Xia Mingzhi looked at Gu Zhiyang who suddenly appeared in front of him, the raised crutch was in a stalemate with Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang slowly pressed down the crutch without changing his face, watching this scene, Xia Heyi was a little surprised behind, Xia Mingzhi Mingzhi was a soldier in his early years. Although he is now using a cane, the cane is made of special materials. It looks like a cane, but in fact it is exercising the wound left by his right hand injury in his early years.

Moreover, under extraordinary circumstances, that crutch can even become Xia Mingzhi's weapon!
And in the stalemate between Gu Zhiyang and Xia Mingzhi, Gu Zhiyang was able to press down the crutch without changing his face!Gu Zhiyang's strength is really, unfathomable...
Of course, Lu Yaoguang naturally doesn't understand this secret contest.

The crutches were put down, and Xia Mingzhi carefully looked at the young man in front of him. He was extremely handsome, and there was a clean and neat aura in his gestures, especially his eyes, which were as sharp as a knife. Sweeping towards himself, "Boy, you are promising." It is rare to hear such words from Xia Mingzhi's mouth, but these words do not make much sense to Gu Zhiyang.

"Mr. Xia!" Outside the door, the doctor led the nurse in and said as soon as he saw Xia Mingzhi, "Miss Xia has woken up."

As soon as this sentence came out, the scene fell into a subtle embarrassment.

Miss Xia is already awake?Lu Yaoguang looked at Xia Heyi who was standing beside him, the latter didn't feel anything, but the Xiao family of the Xia family, wasn't he standing beside him?From the doctor's words, it seems that Xu Xin is the one who has occupied everything that belongs to Xia Heyi all these years!

Xia Mingzhi nodded, then took a complicated look at Xia Heyi, and then walked out of the ward, Xia's mother was also a little embarrassed, but...

"Yiyi, what did you just say that your father wants to kill you? What's going on?" Mother Xia also received the news not long ago that Xia Xin and Xia Heyi were kidnapped, and now they have been safely arrested. rescued.He rushed from the hospital in a hurry, but encountered the current situation.

I don't know when I got angry, but the relationship between Yiyi and her father has become like this!
Xia Heyi was in a bit of a dilemma. Even now that she saw Mother Xia, she didn't know what to say, "Auntie, leave Heyi to me to take care of you. Why don't you go and see Xia Heyi first like Uncle? Miss." Lu Yaoguang said, she vaguely felt that something must have happened to the kidnapping this time, so that the current Xia Heyi was enveloped by an unknown breath called despair... ····
Xia's mother was also a little worried about Xia Xin. She came to He Yi when she came to the hospital just now. She didn't know how Xin'er was doing now.Hearing what Lu Yaoguang said, Xia's mother also said, "Then, Yiyi, I'll go and see Xin'er first, and I'll come back later."

(End of this chapter)

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