Chapter 186 Playground (1)

"Go, let's take you to a fun place."

"So, this is the fun place you're talking about?" Lu Yaoguang pointed to the huge Ferris wheel in front of him. This place is crowded with people and screams constantly - the playground.

Gu Zhiyang coughed twice unnaturally, "Isn't it? It's a fun place." Gu Zhiyang remembered that he stayed up late a few nights ago to search the Internet: Which place is fun?
Downstairs comments:

"Huh? Where is the fun place? Isn't this nonsense? Of course it's a playground!"

"The landlord's question is very dry."

"So what's the point of asking this question?"

Thinking of that "cruel and inhumane" comment, Gu Zhiyang was so angry that he almost dropped his computer.

Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang speechlessly, "Get rid of it, I played this place when I was a child, okay? It can be said that I played until I vomit..."

Gu Zhiyang: "!!!" What? ? !
"Ahem, then remember your childhood?" Damn? ?I've never been here before, and you still play until I puke?
"Okay, stop nagging, let's go." Gu Zhiyang said, holding Lu Yaoguang's hand very naturally, the temperature of the palm passed from Gu Zhiyang's hand to his own, Lu Yaoguang was taken aback for a moment, "Let's go? Why are you still standing there?" Gu Zhiyang said, squeezed Lu Yaoguang's hand vigorously, Lu Yaoguang nodded slightly, this was the first time she held hands with Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang Yang's hands are so big that they can completely surround her hands.

Gu Zhiyang led Lu Yaoguang to the nearest amusement facility on his own.

"Hello, guest, please show your ticket."

ticket?Gu Zhiyang frowned, what ticket?

"My guest, where is your ticket?" I asked again. "Could it be that you didn't buy a ticket? If not, please leave first and thank you, there are still a group of people queuing up!" Seeing that Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang couldn't get a ticket, the people who were waiting to collect the tickets The faces of the service members are a bit ugly, and you want to come to play without buying a ticket?

The people waiting behind were yelling, Lu Yaoguang blushed and pulled Gu Zhiyang down.

"I said Gu Zhiyang, why did you go up there without buying a ticket?"

Although Gu Zhiyang was at a loss, when he heard Lu Yaoguang say this, he quickly covered up for himself: "It's just a mistake. It's just a mistake."

Lu Yaoguang felt that Gu Zhiyang was a little strange, and he kept it secret, but then he thought about it, and then smiled: "Hey, I said Gu Zhiyang, I said, it's your first time to play here, right?"

Gu Zhiyang: "..."

"Who, who said that? Where has my young master never been? This kind of place? I won't come even if I invite my young master for money!"

"Pfft—" Seeing Gu Zhiyang desperately trying to hide something, Lu Yaoguang finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

Lu Yaoguang smiled, but Gu Zhiyang was dumbfounded.This is the first time Lu Yaoguang laughed today.

Realizing that Gu Zhiyang was looking at him all the time, Lu Yaoguang was a little embarrassed, "You, what are you looking at?"

The corners of Gu Zhiyang's mouth raised, and he rubbed Lu Yaoguang's hair with his hands, and the soft hair touched his fingertips, "It's nothing. You look good when you smile."

Bang——Lu Yaoguang's face immediately showed a "burning cloud", and even the roots of his ears were red.Gu, Fanfeng Gu is online?
Gu Zhiyang took the time to watch Lu Yaoguang's blushing face, Lu Yaoguang couldn't take it anymore, so he dragged Gu Zhiyang to the ticket gate.But because of Lu Yaoguang unconsciously pulling him away, Gu Zhiyang's eyes were so gentle that water would drip out...
(End of this chapter)

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