Chapter 191 You Are My Princess (1)

Lu Yaoguang looked at the gift box that Gu Zhiyang handed over, and looked at him with some doubts, but under Gu Zhiyang's slightly expectant eyes, Lu Yaoguang still agreed and went upstairs.

After opening the package, Lu Yaoguang covered her mouth in surprise, Gu Zhiyang is...

I saw a beautiful red rose in the opened gift box, and under the rose was a note. Lu Yaoguang opened it and saw that there were only three words written on it: put on it.

Lu Yaoguang picked up the snow-white silk skirt placed under the box, and beside it was a chain crystal ornament.

so beautiful···

Although there are only simple white and a pair of crystal decorations, they are just two simple things, but Lu Yaoguang likes them very much.

Pick up the skirt and go into the bathroom.

After Lu Yaoguang changed his clothes and walked out of the room, two people suddenly appeared in the room.

"Ms. Lu, hello, Young Master Gu sent me here to give you a little care of your hair." A woman stood beside Lu Yaoguang's dressing table, and she pointed to another person standing beside her, " This is my assistant."

Lu Yaoguang smiled at them, and sat on the chair, "Hello Miss Lu, my name is Aim." Aim said, touching Lu Yaoguang's hair with both hands, when Aim touched Lu Yaoguang's hair, Aim's whole body People's eyes lit up, "Miss Lu, your hair is so well maintained and beautiful."

"Thank you for your compliment. I have a whole body, and the best thing I can show is my hair." Lu Yaoguang said.But Aim laughed softly: "Look at what Miss Lu said, besides your hair, you are also very beautiful!"

Lu Yaoguang said hastily, "Thank you, but I am very average, but my hair is better."

Aim, however, leaned over to Lu Yaoguang's ear and said, "Young Master Gu said this~ Originally, there was a makeup artist with me, but Young Master Gu said that Miss Lu, you are very good-looking, so you don't need to slap your face. Put those rouge powders on."

Hearing what Aim said, Lu Yaoguang couldn't help but blushed, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously, and her eyes were like starlight. Sure enough, people just can't listen to good words. After listening to good words, the whole person was very happy! "Gu Zhiyang, did he really say that?"

"Really!" Aim said while helping Lu Yaoguang to straighten her hair, "Young Master Gu said this himself, we dare not talk nonsense. If Ms. Lu doesn't believe it, she can ask other people in a while. There are many people."

Lu Yaoguang: "..." Are there many people present? ? !
"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I didn't expect Gu Zhiyang to praise me like that." It's really unbelievable!
Hearing this, Aim showed a clear look, and then said, "Miss Lu, you are the first person Gu Shao asked me to come over to dress you up. You are really special to Gu Shao. "

Lu Yaoguang didn't reply any more, just smiled.Can't answer anymore, Aim said so, she didn't know what to say to answer her.If you hear this, I'm afraid... Lu Yaoguang puts his hand on his chest, and this heart will jump out.

"Okay! Miss Lu, take a look, are you satisfied?" Aim and her assistant nodded to each other and looked at Lu Yaoguang in the mirror, really, so beautiful...

 To celebrate the 20-word qaq, after this birthday, the work of the Xia family will begin~ Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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