Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 196 Severing the relationship between father and daughter

Chapter 196 Severing the relationship between father and daughter (3)

Xia Heyi calmly looked at Xia Xin whose expression was getting uglier, "That's me, Xia Heyi, pity you. I pity you for losing your family and parents since you were a child. I also sympathize with weak animals, that's why I have children." Everything you have now. I left just to experience life, but now that I am back, I will tell you frankly that as long as I am willing, everything you have now will be taken away!"

Very bold and solemn, even though Xia Heyi knew that all of this was just what she said to save face.

She is arguing with Xia Xin?
Now this family, is there any need to fight?So what if we fight over?That person doesn't love her anymore, and she and her mother are estranged.

What Xia Xin said is correct, all these years, she stayed away from Xia's family, and all those that should belong to her, Xia Heyi, were all occupied by Xia Xin.

But these, how can it compare to the moment when that person raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at himself, which made people feel chilling?It was heart-wrenching.

She didn't even see the hesitation in his eyes when he raised the gun.

Even if it's just a little bit, even if it's just a little bit!

She can also comfort herself and say: "Xia Heyi, it's okay. In fact, it's not that he doesn't love you. You see, he still has hesitation." Even though, his gun was still aimed at her, this biological daughter... ····
But no, nothing.

Such a family member who is already a stranger, and her home is no longer welcome, what is she fighting for?
After Xia Heyi finished speaking, she picked up her things and walked out of the room.

Xia Xin was so angry that her teeth itched, she turned around, chased after Xia Heyi, walked out of the room, saw that Xia Heyi was about to walk out of the stairs, Xia Xin gritted her teeth, a look of viciousness flashed in her eyes, and then shouted at Xia Heyi A cry, "Sister! Forgive my sister, my sister didn't do it on purpose!" Then, she fell down the stairs——

When she fell, she fell just in front of Xia Heyi's steps at the corner of the stairs.And because of the sound she made when she fell, it also attracted the attention of the elders downstairs.

Xia Mingzhi was standing at the top of the stairs on the first floor, just in time to see Xia Xin's painful expression at the corner.

"Xin'er!" Xia Mingzhi quickly climbed upstairs, followed by Xia's mother, "What's the matter?"

Xia Mingzhi rushed up the stairs, looked at Xia Xin, who was lying on the ground in pain, with little blood on her body, and Xia Heyi, who stood beside her with an indifferent face, as if nothing had happened, finally got angry.

When everyone was caught off guard, a crisp applause sounded.

"Xia Mingzhi! How can you hit someone?!" It was Xia's mother who reacted first, and Xia's mother immediately rushed in front of Xia Heyi, stroking Xia Heyi's slapped cheek, "Yiyi, does it hurt? How about nothing?"

"How do you beat someone?!" Xia Mingzhi was very annoyed, "Look at her, she causes trouble as soon as you get home, look at Xin'er!" Xia Mingzhi pointed at Xu Xin who was lying on the ground, and shouted at Xia Heyi, " Xia Heyi, how could you push your sister down the stairs? Didn't you see that she was still injured?! How could you do such a vicious hand!"

"Come here! Send Miss Xin'er to the hospital quickly! Xia Heyi, come downstairs with me!" Xia Mingzhi slammed the cane on the ground.

The servants arrived immediately, lifted the injured Xia Xin and sent him to the hospital. Xia Mingzhi followed closely behind. At the corner, Xia Xin smiled wildly at Xia Heyi who was still in the posture of being beaten...

(End of this chapter)

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