Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 199 Severing the relationship between father and daughter

Chapter 199 Severing the relationship between father and daughter (6)

Xia Heyi quickly covered it with her hand, "It's nothing, let's go." She made an appointment with Yunyi to come to Xia's house to pick her up when the time came.

Then, under Xia Mu's reluctant expression, Xia Heyi turned around and left...
"Yiyi!" Mother Xia hurriedly chased her out.

At this time, Yun Yi said to Xia Mingzhi, who was holding his cane tightly with both hands, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, "Uncle Xia, I advise you, don't be fooled by appearances, what you see may not necessarily be the truth. "

"Also," Yunyi said in a low voice, "this is what Shao Yi asked me to bring. The Xia family doesn't want He Yi, he wants it! From now on, if He Yi is injured by the Xia family again, he won't just go like this Forget it..." After Yunyi finished speaking, she also left.

Yunyi put the things that Xia Heyi took away into the trunk, and then opened the car door, Xia Heyi was held tightly by Xia's mother, who kept holding her back, "Yiyi, don't leave, don't be like this, okay? Yiyi !"

Xia Heyi's eyes were red, and she exhaled again. The address "Auntie" was brewing, but after seeing Xia's mother's heartbroken expression, she didn't call out after all, "Go back first. I'm sorry, I want gone."

Mother Xia kept trying to persuade her to stay, but it was still useless.Xia Heyi acted very resolutely, this time, she was serious, and she wanted to make a clean break with the Xia family...
The car carrying Xia Heyi left, and Xia's mother cried so hard that she couldn't speak.And behind Mother Xia, the familiar sound of crutches gradually came.

"Suyun..." Xia Mingzhi called softly behind Xia's mother (He Suyun).

"Don't call me!" Mother Xia turned her head and yelled at Xia Mingzhi, "You, what have you done to Yiyi? Haven't we treated her badly enough over the years?"

"Did you know? The last time He Yi skipped class to accompany me to the shopping mall, but halfway through our shopping, Xia Xin came, and her arrival was followed by a group of reporters, who desperately took pictures, Xia Xin Holding my hand, looking at the camera with a smile on her face, and our daughter, Yiyi, do you know that she could only stand dimly behind the crowd, looking at me and Xia Xin?!" Mother Xia Tears flowed down my face, "Did you know that after the incident, the reporter left, and Xia Xin found an excuse to leave too. Yiyi looked at my expression at that time? How sad was that child, obviously she is my daughter! As a result, she But I want to look at another girl, enjoying everything that should be her, standing in the crowd with her mother on her arm... I am her mother! I am Yiyi's mother!"

"Xia Mingzhi, we only have one daughter, Yiyi. What did you say at the beginning? You said you would treat her well for the rest of your life. She is your apple of the eye. But what did you do to Yiyi when Xia Xin and Yiyi were kidnapped in the morning? What?! You shot her to kill her? Do you know that the person you shot was your own daughter! Your own daughter!" Mother Xia rushed forward and grabbed Xia Mingzhi's clothes The leader said, "How could you be so cruel! A tiger's poison does not eat its own child!"

"Even if Xia Xin's father saved you, haven't we given her enough over the years? What we gave her far surpassed our own daughter..."

"Why did you beat her just now without even asking?! Don't you feel sorry for her at all?! She is our daughter! She is our daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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