Chapter 207 The Han Family (4)

"What's wrong?" Old Han noticed sharply that compared with before, Xia Heyi had a sad aura permeating his whole body.

"No." Xia Heyi quickly waved his hand, "It's nothing."

"It's just that when I was born, I heard that he was reading a book. He had a habit of reading a book. He used to put his hand on the words and follow his eyes pointing line by line. At that time, my mother shouted 'I'm about to give birth'! He just pointed at it." Heyi', so I was given this name."

Han Lao nodded, "So that's the case."


After a while, the car stopped, and Mr. Han brought Xia Heyi to the destination.

As the door opened, Mr. Han led Xia Heyi into the house.

"Come here, prepare a set of clothes for this lady." As soon as Mr. Han entered the house, he ordered, "Girl in lotus clothes, you and I are all wet, I will ask the servants to take you to take a bath first, old man It's also just a matter of time to tidy up, and I'll send someone to take you home after you take a shower, okay?"

After all, it was Grandpa Han's kindness, and she is already in someone else's house, and she is soaked all over, so it would be a bit hypocritical to refuse, right?

"Then, He Yi is more respectful than obedient. Thank you, Grandpa Han." Afterwards, He Yi was led into a room. Xia He Yi looked around the room. The room was very clean and everything was neatly arranged. .

"Miss, here are your clothes." Soon, someone gave clothes to Xia Heyi, Xia Heyi took them, and walked into the bathroom...
"Damn! Old man, you actually asked the guards to seal the door to prevent me from coming in, do you think it will be difficult for me?" At this moment, the window of this room was opened from the outside, and a man covered in quilt came in. Wet man.

The man looked like he was only 17 or 8 years old. He had a handsome face even when it was wet by the rain. His hair was dyed yellow and he was staring at a cross earring. The man looked at it with disgust. Looking at himself, "It's getting wet...don't worry about it, wash it first..."

Just when the man was about to step into the bathroom, he stopped, and a graceful figure suddenly appeared in the bathroom.

The Han family has a lot of houses, and besides the main room, the most common ones are the guest rooms. However, among the guest rooms of the Han family, there are always one or two rooms that belong to the young master of the Han family's grandson.The young master of the Han family is handsome, he is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The only bad thing is that he has a rather naughty temper, and he often makes the Han family so angry that he can't wait to send him back to his mother's womb and remake him directly.

The one or two rooms of Mr. Han basically haven't been remodeled much. The only remodel is the bathroom. The bathroom door looks like it is covered. In fact, as long as someone takes a bath, there will be more water vapor inside. , this layer of blocking will "completely" disappear, except for covering the two key points, the others are all transparent!

So, looking at someone taking a shower in the bathroom right now, someone outside the bathroom, nosebleeds, gushing out!

Whoa, whoa.What Han Feng said was true, it was right to make the bathroom door like this!
But, but he, he fucking hasn't planned to bring a woman back to experiment in person, what's going on today? !

Just when the man snorted nosebleed because he saw the almost "restricted" picture, two more people appeared in the room...

(End of this chapter)

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