Chapter 212 The Han Family (9)

"He Yi, where is your cell phone? Why don't you answer the phone? You don't know how worried we are about you!" Sitting in the car, Lu Yaoguang wiped his face with a towel and said to Xia Heyi.

Xia Heyi touched the back of her head, "Hey, the battery is out..."

"By the way, how did you meet Mr. Han?" Lu Yaoguang asked again, why did He Yi meet such a person in such a short time after he came out? !

"Well..." Xia Heyi told Yaoguang everything that happened to him when he met Mr. Han just now. Why are things so impulsive? Didn't you see that the other party had a gun in his hand? You still pounced on it like this! Do you know that when Ji Shao saw that you didn't answer the phone, he thought you had lost the whole person and almost went crazy. I came to look for you, but in the end, you were fine, and I almost risked my life to save others!"

Xia Heyi touched his beaten head, and muttered, "Then you can't see an old man being held up with a gun and doing nothing, let's leave as if he didn't see it..."

"Also!" Lu Yaoguang made a gesture and was about to raise his hand and wave it at Xia Heyi's head again. Xia Heyi quickly covered his head to dodge, but Lu Yaoguang took his hand back, "Isn't it not for you?" You save people, don’t save people blindly! Xia Heyi, listen, you have to be rational to save people, you know? If you don’t weigh your own strength and run to save others, it’s not only irresponsible to yourself, but also, It is also irresponsible to the people you want to save, you know?"

"Got it, got it!" Xia Heyi nodded, Yao Guang was right, this time, she was a bit too reckless, the act of saving people was right, but it depends on whether she really has the strength to save her. people!

Seeing that Xia Heyi really listened to his own words, Lu Yaoguang calmed down, and then - looked at the two people sitting facing each other.

Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi.

The two of them haven't spoken a word since they got in the car. Although it may not be a good thing for the two of them to talk, but looking at each other without saying anything like this, this kind of atmosphere is really, indescribably weird ah···
Yunyi appeared here?Also with a group of people.Why is he here?
And Gu Zhiyang, why did he tell Mr. Han so firmly that someone outside has come to pick us up?Is it a coincidence or did you already know that Yunyi would come?
Obviously, the answer is the latter.

But when did Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi become so...good?Come on, Lu Yaoguang looked at the two people who didn't speak again, this relationship really has nothing to do with the word "good"!not good?But isn't Yunyi coming...
Could it be that Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi had already been in touch in private?Lu Yaoguang thought about this problem alone.

Yunyi looked at Gu Zhiyang and felt puzzled in her heart, why did Gu Zhiyang and Yao Guang appear here to find He Yi?
Is it a coincidence?
And Gu Zhiyang, why did you ask him to bring someone here?Isn't it too strange to break into such a big gang and not go to other people, but come to yourself?Is it possible that you believe that you have the ability to solve this kind of thing?

Don't be kidding, Yunyi thinks that she still has this self-knowledge, so she won't be so optimistic about Gu Zhiyang.

Or, what did Gu Zhiyang already know?Yunyi couldn't help re-examining Gu Zhiyang in his heart, he found more and more that Gu Zhiyang was very dangerous...
 The sixth update is over~
(End of this chapter)

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