Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 229 Who dares to bully my sister? !

Chapter 229 Who dares to bully my sister? ! (3)

Xia Heyi stopped in her tracks, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.She has gone so far away, why can Xu Xin still find her?

Are her eyes a positioning system?Specifically used to locate her?
No, I'm too irritated, I still have to stay away from that woman now!
Xia Heyi ignored Xu Xin, and continued to walk forward, but Xia Xin was relentless towards her, and unexpectedly trotted in front of Xia Heyi, preventing Xia Heyi from leaving.

"Sister, where are you going? Why don't you say hello to Dad?" Xia Xin smiled sweetly.

"What else can you do here? Of course, go to school." Xia Heyi said with a cold face, "Get out of the way."

Who would have thought that Xia Xin would act like "I didn't hear what you said." Then she deliberately leaned towards Xia Heyi's face, muttering loudly, "Sister, I can't hear what you said!"

Xia Heyi never liked Xia Xin approaching her since she was a child. Now that Xia Xin is so close suddenly, Xia Heyi subconsciously wants to stay away from Xia Xin. Unexpectedly, Xia Xin has already seen her intention clearly, and Xia Heyi is about to back away. At this moment, the whole person suddenly fell backward——

Because Xia Xin deliberately leaned too close to Xia Heyi just now, Xia Heyi stepped back, and Xia Xin took the opportunity to fall down precisely. In the eyes of others, it was Xia Heyi who deliberately pushed Xia Xin down.

Xia Xin's eyes were red, and she looked at Xia Heyi pitifully, "Sister, you, why did you push me? My sister knows that you don't like me, but my sister just asked you to say hello to my father. If you don't like my sister approaching me , you can tell my sister that there is really no need to overthrow my sister..."

"Oh my god! Xia Heyi is too shameless! Her older sister pushed her down just after talking to her, how bad she is!"

"Yes, yes, no wonder Xia Heyi is so unfavorable in the Xia family!"

"She's just a savage girl, she can't be compared with Miss Xia Xin, is she?!"

"Look at her uneducated appearance, no wonder Miss Xia Xin attends all kinds of important occasions! If I were Chairman Xia, I would not let such an uneducated daughter out to participate in the activities!"

"That's right, there's no comparison between Xia Heyi and Miss Xia Xin!"

The voices of all kinds of melon-eating people are ringing out, Xia Heyi is about to explode, why is Xia Xin so shameless? !To frame her by falling himself? !She must be mentally ill!
"Heyi!" And Xia Mingzhi rushed to Xia Xin's side immediately, helped Xia Xin up, and looked at Xia Heyi angrily, "Didn't you make enough trouble last night? Xin'er came here just to be with you." How can you push her down as soon as you meet?!"

Seeing Xia Mingzhi carefully helping Xia Xin up, with flashing lights around, Xia Heyi's eyes became colder and colder, "Have you fallen enough? If you fall enough, I'm going in."

"Xia Heyi!" Seeing that Xia Heyi had no attitude of admitting his mistake at all, Xia Mingzhi roared at Xia Heyi. His roar was so loud that everyone present were stunned for a moment, and Xia Xin was even more worried. Smiling very happily in her heart, look at Xia Heyi, as long as she uses a little trick, everyone will stand by her side!
"Yesterday you said that Dad beat you without asking the facts clearly. Dad was wrong. Dad apologizes to you." After beating Xia Heyi yesterday, Xia Mingzhi was in a very bad mood all night.

 The sixth update is over!
  Sixth shift time tomorrow: [-] am, [-] am, [-] noon, [-] pm, [-] pm, [-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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