Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 232 Who dares to bully my sister? !

Chapter 232 Who dares to bully my sister? ! (6)

"I'm not talking about you. You're too old to think about things. How dare you do something to your own daughter? Now you still have the cheek to ask my sister to go back with you? It's just - too shameless! "

"Han Feng!" Father Han said, reprimanding Han Feng, "Don't talk nonsense."

Xia Mingzhi hummed and ignored Han Feng.But Xia Xin, who was standing beside him, was unwilling to let it go. She walked in front of Han Feng and said to Han Feng, "Why are you talking to my dad like that? It's so rude! Apologize to my dad!"

Han Feng moved his head away, not even wanting to look at the woman in front of him, but the next moment, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Xia Xin's temple, and Xia Xin's legs were so frightened that her legs went limp!
"What are you doing, boy of the Han family?!" Xia Mingzhi yelled at Han Feng, and the Xia family stepped forward and pointed their guns at Han Feng. Naturally, the Han family was no exception, and everyone raised their guns. At the gate of St. Geli's campus, there was a crowd of people, everyone pointed their guns at each other, and the scene was so spectacular.

The reporters picked up their cameras to take pictures one after another, happy in their hearts: big news, big news!The two families who had been confronting each other in secret had actually confronted each other with guns raised in public today!Originally, I just wanted to shoot Xia Mingzhi alone, but I didn't expect to be able to shoot such a spectacular scene!This time, it's time to make a fortune!

"Put down the gun!" Xia Mingzhi said to Han Feng with a gloomy face, "I tell you, Han family boy, if you dare to touch a single hair of my daughter today, I, Xia Mingzhi, will never let the Han family go until I die." ! Vow to wash the Han family with blood!"

Xia Mingzhi's words made Xia Heyi's calm heart tremble, and a sting flashed in his eyes as he looked at Xia Mingzhi. He actually did this for Xu Xin...

"What? What are you talking about, old man? Your daughter? Strange, isn't the daughter you kept talking about just now here?" Han Feng said, pointing at Xia Heyi, "Why, this is your daughter too?" Han Feng Feng moved his hand holding the muzzle of the gun, and the muzzle rubbed against Xia Xin's face. Xia Xin's body was about to slide this time, but Han Feng grabbed her shoulder, and Xia Xin shouted, "Ah! Pain... "..." The place Han Feng was holding was exactly where she was injured. Unfortunately, when Han Feng heard Xia Xin's shout, he put more force in his hand, "Ah!" Xia Xin cried out in pain again , this time, the face turned white!

"Kid Han, this is the last time I warn you! Let go of my daughter!" Seeing the pain on Xia Xin's face, Xia Mingzhi's heart was almost lifted, and he pointed the crutch in his hand at Han Feng. "I'm not joking! Let her go!"

Han Feng curled his lips, and just about to say something, Xia Heyi who had been standing aside said, "Han Feng, let her go."

Only then did Han Feng let go of his hand, but at the same time as letting go, he exerted force on his hand again, Xia Xin screamed in pain and passed out...
"Xin'er!" Xia Mingzhi quickly took Xia Xin and patted Xia Xin's face, "Xin'er, wake up, wake up..." However, Xia Xin couldn't cry out, Xia Xin Mingzhi looked at Han Feng viciously, "Stinky boy, don't fall into my hands!"

Han Feng picked out his ears, "Huh? What are you talking about? That woman asked for it herself! I hate the scheming watch approaching me the most!"

(End of this chapter)

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