Chapter 270

No one would have imagined that Yvonne, an international singer who works very seriously on weekdays, would pull a friend to act cute at this very moment just to make this friend not refuse her request.

A crow flew over Lu Yaoguang's head, and once again lamented that fortunately there was no one here, otherwise Lu Yaoguang really didn't dare to think about the consequences if the media photographed Yvonne's appearance.

"Okay, but, is what you said credible?" Following Yvonne's style of doing things in the past, Lu Yaoguang had to doubt the authenticity of her words.

"Really, really!" Yvonne nodded more frequently when she heard that Lu Yaoguang was willing to go with her, and Lu Yaoguang got into the car with Yvonne dubiously.

After a while, Lu Yaoguang looked at the place where he was taken and shook his head.

Just know!I knew this guy couldn't believe it!It's really easy to change the country, but hard to change the nature!
"Hehehe, Yaoguang, listen to what I'm telling you...hey, don't go, don't go!" Yvonne stopped Lu Yaoguang who was about to leave, "Good Yaoguang, help me, I I plan to go back to China for development, the new song is an old-fashioned work, and I haven't been able to find a suitable person for the MV dance, you..."

Look, look, here we go again!

No matter how prosperous Yvonne is now, her success cannot be separated from Lu Yaoguang's contribution.

The first entry that year was to ask Yao Guang to help her dance, and the result was passed immediately. From then on, she began to develop, and she has the status she is today.

"Don't go, Yaoguang, help me, this is the first song I developed when I returned to China, don't you have the heart to see me fail to develop once I return to China, and live on the streets?" Yvonne said, putting her hands on her own The corners of the eyes, pretending to wipe tears.

Lu Yaoguang: "..." She used this trick back then, and she blamed her for being too careless after school. She just thought the bell after school was nice, so she danced involuntarily in the classroom. Originally, she thought that everyone They were all gone, but who would have thought that this guy came back halfway to get a parasol, and the fact that she could dance would be exposed just like that.She also threatened herself to ask herself to help her, otherwise she would disclose that she could dance.

I still remember when Yvonne just said that, she was so nervous that she was dying, but she still pretended to be calm and said to her, you go and say it, anyway, it’s not bad for her.

Because she didn't participate in the vigorous talent competition held by the school that year, Yvonne thought that she deliberately kept it secret from everyone.

As a result, when Yvonne saw her serious and serious face, she immediately apologized to her and said that he would not speak out, but just kept pestering her from beginning to night, asking her to help record a dancing MV.

In the end, she was really impatient with the noise, so she reluctantly agreed.

Looking at Lu Yaoguang's eyes, Yvonne knew that she was a little soft-hearted.Yaoguang is such a kind person, she rejected her so much back then, she really thought it was over, and the deadline was approaching, so she went to class the next day crying with red eyes, but this person, So I promised myself.

Even after so many years, Yao Guang still hasn't changed.

Therefore, even if she has these fame and status now, she can come to Yao Guang without any scruples.

Because she knew that Yaoguang would not expose her whereabouts.

I still remember that after she became famous back then, everyone flattered her, only Yaoguang avoided her every time she saw her, and even asked the teacher to change her seat. I don't know what she's afraid of...

 There are still two updates, so don’t wait for it. I’m not sure if I can update it today. Even if there is, it’s very late, but the chances are very small qaq
  If there is no update, it will be updated tomorrow night.

  It will be updated tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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