Chapter 273 People are gone?

"With the popularity of your song and her own capital, let me tell you, someone from the entertainment company will come to her immediately." The staff member vowed.

"I can't help it," Yvonne felt very troubled about this, but since it was Yao Guang's request, there was no other way, it had to be like this.

"Okay, stop talking, I'm going to start work..."


"What did you say? People disappeared?"

In the Gu family's mansion, Gu Zhiyang slapped his hands on the table angrily, "You guys, what are you doing for the Gu family to support you? It's so good, why did people disappear?"

The security guards standing in front of Gu Zhiyang all lowered their heads. Seeing Miss Lu going out, they thought that someone would come to pick her up. Who would have thought that Miss Lu hadn't come back yet.

Young Master Gu has lost count of how many times he has gotten angry since the morning, so what should he do?The people sent out to look for Miss Lu also said they couldn't find it, so they had no choice but to be scolded obediently.

Gu Zhiyang didn't know that Lu Yaoguang was taken away by an international singer. No matter how much Yvonne felt relieved about Lu Yaoguang, she had a special status now, and she had to do a good job in keeping secrets. So all of a sudden, the members of the Gu family It is also very difficult to find Lu Yaoguang.

"Really, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and find me!" Gu Zhiyang shouted at the security guard standing in front of him.

He's really mad at him, Lu Yaoguang will disappear if he doesn't pay attention, are you a pig? !
I called the hospital just now and was told that she didn't go there. If she didn't go there, where could she go?
"What are you guys doing standing here?" Lu Yaoguang saw a row of people standing in front of Gu Zhiyang and the angry expression on Gu Zhiyang's face as soon as he entered the door.

This is, what happened?
As soon as Gu Zhiyang saw Lu Yaoguang coming back, he rushed to her in a hurry, "Where have you been?" The necklace on his chest hit his chest "heavily" after he said the last word... ·

Gu Zhiyang's originally anxious and angry eyes gradually calmed down, "In the future, I have to go out and talk to the servants before I leave."

Lu Yaoguang nodded towards Gu Zhiyang, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, "If there's nothing else, I'll go upstairs first." Lu Yaoguang didn't even dare to look at Gu Zhiyang, and went upstairs by himself.

Gu Zhiyang waved at the people who stood there just now and let him scold them to back off.

He walked to the sofa and sat down.Put your hands together, he was not calm just now...

Lu Yaoguang hastily closed the door of her room, and she slowly slid down the door. Now, she is not ready yet, how can she talk to Gu Zhiyang.

Lu Yaoguang picked up the bank card she put in her pocket. Here, Yvonne has already deposited the money. Now, she only needs to wait for a month to pass. As long as Gu Zhiyang doesn't get sick at night within this month, she have to move out of here...
You have to plan ahead for your future.


After a week.

During this week, Gu Zhiyang did not come to class, and Ji Shaoyi stayed with Xia Heyi in the hospital. Fortunately, Heyi was almost healed and was ready to go back to school. But during this week, Yvonne held a press conference to announce that After returning to China for development, the new song was released, it was sold out within tens of seconds, and it landed at the top of the major charts. Almost everyone was talking about Yvonne.

 This chapter is a transitional chapter, right? qaq I originally wanted to write about the recovery process of the lotus clothes. Remember in the previous chapter that the lotus clothes were splashed on the back, and the doctor said that the blisters burst?
  You say, who squeezed the lotus clothes?I originally wanted to drive a car carefully and seriously, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it and save it for future episodes. Now, please make up your own brains, and you can also leave a message to write about the "squeezing blisters" in your mind. Write it down, the plot will be written in the article when the plot is good~
(End of this chapter)

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