Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 283 You Can Only Be Close to Me

Chapter 283 You Can Only Be Close to Me
"Yaoguang, you won't be angry, right?" After speaking, Xia Heyi was very worried that Lu Yaoguang would be angry because he didn't tell her that he could play the piano.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Lu Yaoguang knocked on Xia Heyi's head. "In your head, what are you thinking all day long? How could I be angry with you because of this kind of thing? You can play the piano, that's great! This shows that my Heyi is versatile, and I'm very happy! What, Do you want to sign up for this competition?"

Xia Heyi was very happy when he heard Lu Yaoguang say that, but fortunately Yaoguang was not angry with him!Last time she quarreled with Yao Guang, she was really sad, Yao Guang is the only best friend Xia Heyi has ever recognized in her life!
She doesn't want to lose this good friend!
"I... I don't know, but, but, Ji Shao asked me to sign up. He Yi, do you think I should go?" Xia Heyi asked Lu Yaoguang for help, but she didn't even know Whether or not to participate in the competition, entangled to death.

"Well, actually, I think you can try it." Lu Yaoguang picked up the flyer again, "Since you said you have practiced piano for so many years, I think there is a platform for you to show You yourself, you'd better take part!" Lu Yaoguang put forward his own suggestion, "Besides, I believe. My Heyi will definitely win the award!" Lu Yaoguang smiled at Xia Heyi, and Xia Heyi was immediately moved Hugging Lu Yaoguang tightly, "Ah! I knew you were the best Yaoguang! I love you so much!"

Xia Heyi said, hugging Lu Yaoguang tightly.

"Hey hey..." However, at this moment, a big hand crossed between the heads of Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang, separating them. "What are you doing? Why can't you talk properly if you have something to say? Why are you so tight?" Ji Shaoyi touched Xia Heyi's head, preventing her from getting too close to Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Xia Heyi: "..."

"Hey Ji Shaoyi, you are really domineering!" Xia Heyi was very dissatisfied, "I'm getting closer to Yao Guang, what's bothering you?"

Ji Shao folded his arms around his chest, and looked at Xia Heyi playfully, "It's because you love me, what's the matter? In short, you can't be so close to other people except me." Ji Shaoyi announced domineeringly With his own sovereignty over Xia Heyi.

He just doesn't like other people being so close to Xia Heyi.what?Not convinced to fight!

But Ji Shaoyi seems to have forgotten... Now it is Xia Heyi who wants to get close to Lu Yaoguang.

That would be very embarrassing!

"Ji Shaoyi, don't mess around, okay?" Why can't she get close to other people?Xia Heyi's face was so ashamed, what does it mean to only get close to him?
"How can I talk nonsense? In short, in short, I just don't allow you to get close to anyone other than me! Even..." Ji Shaoyi said, turning his gaze to Lu Yaoguang, "It doesn't matter if the other party is a girl !"

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

However, seeing Ji Shaoyi and Xia Heyi fighting, Lu Yaoguang felt very happy.But... In addition to being happy, Lu Yaoguang looked at the empty seat.

He hasn't come to school for more than a week...

Where did he go?

There was no sign of him at home...


Lu Yaoguang quickly shook his head, Lu Yaoguang, what are you worrying about? !What he does has nothing to do with me!

(End of this chapter)

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