Chapter 290 Chain Wing
A dollar and a million?

That's a few zeros away from the value!Mad God necklace.Buy anything in the market.Is it better than this?
But the man in the white mask on the stage didn't think so. In his eyes, this necklace was worth this amount!

"This necklace is called 'Chain Wing'," the quoter introduced the value of the necklace. "It is composed of two necklaces." The quoter put on his gloves, took off the necklace, and gently separated it. , there appeared two necklaces symbolizing "Angel Wings" and another "Devil Chain", "When these two necklaces are put together, it will happen—" The quoter put the two necklaces together, Immediately, a ray of light shining like a diamond was emitted, and the people present were so stimulated by this ray that they closed their eyes.

"It is still unknown who created it. The only thing that is certain is that this 'chain wing' necklace has a history of thousands of years."

What? !Thousands of years of history? !

After thousands of years, is this luster still so dazzling?

The people in the audience exclaimed in amazement, but it was only amazement. After all, each of them is a member of the underworld. Want something here?What's the point? !
So, I still looked at the white masked man on the stage with more sympathy. Even if this necklace looks so precious, in their eyes, it is still useless. There are many things that can be done with 100 million yuan. What is the necklace for? !

"Now, the recipient of this necklace is this gentleman!"

The quoter tidied up the necklace, put it on the box, and handed it to the man in the white mask.

With the auction of the last paper, today's auction is over, and everyone goes back to their respective homes.

Han Feng stood at the exit of the venue. Everyone who came out of the venue wanted to kill him with a gun when they saw Han Feng. A piece of paper "Las Vegas", although they didn't know what was on it What is the specific content of it, but it must be something that can make everyone fight so hard!

Han Feng waited bitterly at the door, but he didn't see the man with the white mask in the auction house just now. It's strange, where did that man go?Why haven't you come out yet?

The reason why he didn't run home immediately was because he wanted to confirm the real identity of the man.

He always felt that he had met this man before, but it was strange, where did he meet him?He couldn't think of anything.

But Han Feng waited for a long time, but he never saw the man come out.

"Master, why don't we go back?" The subordinate on the side said to Han Feng, the paper that the young master took this time is so precious, it's better to go back to Han's house earlier, although I don't know who the young master is waiting for, but now The situation is still that it is more cost-effective for them to leave early.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer..." Han Feng muttered, wondering why the man didn't come out yet?

After waiting for more than ten minutes, no one came out of the venue.

"Master, all these people are gone, why don't we go?"

"Okay." Han Feng finally didn't choose to wait anymore, but he was still wondering in his heart. It was strange that he had been standing here from the beginning to the end of the venue, and now almost everyone was gone. Why didn't that man come out yet?Did he miss it?

Han Feng got in the car and left...
But at this moment, behind him, the person who had been waiting all this time finally appeared.

 Today is [-] words~
(End of this chapter)

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