Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 308 She Won't Do That!

Chapter 308 She Won't Do That!

"Huh..." Yao Fei'er exhaled, and raised the corner of her mouth proudly towards Lu Yaoguang, but unfortunately, she won't do that now!

She wanted to watch Lu Yaoguang suffer because the people around her were hurt!
She wanted to watch Lu Yaoguang suffer because she couldn't save the people around her!
She wants Lu Yaoguang to suffer because of the disaster she brought to the people around her!
She wants Lu Yaoguang...

Then, after Lu Yaoguang became desperate, she would "clean up" her properly!

Now Zhiyang no longer protects her, with Xia Heyi?Hehe, Xia Heyi will naturally be solved by Xia Xin!Xia Heyi, Xia Heyi, it's not a wise choice to be too arrogant and annoy your opponent at this time!Moreover, it also made people like Xia Xin feel the same pain as her - being abandoned by the person she loves, and rejecting her in person!

However, Xia Xin is worse than her. I heard that Ji Shaoyi even kicked Xia Xin?Hehe, as soon as Xia Heyi collapses, Lu Yaoguang, what are you going to fight with me? !
When the time comes, she promises!We must let Lu Yaoguang experience a heart-rending pain that is thousands of times tens of thousands of times worse than the pain he suffered at that time!
Lu, Yao, Guang,

Are you ready?

Lu Yaoguang met Yao Fei'er's eyes and saw several expressions flashing in her eyes. Although she didn't know what she was thinking, but she hadn't seen Yao Fei'er for a long time... And Now, she was involved with Xu Xin?Is it a coincidence?Or do not have a conspiracy......

"Fei'er, let's go!" Xia Xin gouged out Xia Heyi fiercely with her eyes, and even took a look at Lu Yaoguang who was standing next to Xia Heyi, and left with Yao Fei'er.

"Hey hey..." Xia Heyi smiled slyly, yet cute in a sly way. Seeing Yao Fei'er and Xia Xin leave, the surrounding onlookers felt that there should be no good show to watch, and they all started to watch again. Go squeeze the bulletin board.

"Still laughing!" Lu Yaoguang warned himself not to be seduced by Xia Heyi's simple smile. Heyi does this every time, relying on her own sly look to make her smile. It's okay to calm down, but this time, this girl, don't even think about getting away with it like this!
"Still laughing? Do you know how dangerous it was just now? Why did you argue with Xia Xin and the others by yourself? Fortunately, the blood on your hand is not yours, but Xia Xin's, otherwise... ···You said that you signed up for the competition, and you are a piano player, how can you be so incapable of protecting yourself? What if the blood just now really belonged to you? What about your competition? Hey You girl, you are really going to piss me off!" She fought against Xu Xin single-handedly, she was really worried that the girl He Yi would suffer!
It's over, it's over, "Mom" Yaoguang is online!How to do how to do?I don't want to hear her talking T_T...
"Okay, okay! I know, Yaoguang..." Xia Heyi held one of Lu Yaoguang's hands with both hands, flickering there, in the midst of being aggrieved and cute—"Yaoguang , I know I was wrong, I won't do it next time... don't be angry, okay?"

"What do you mean I'm angry?" Lu Yaoguang couldn't bear Xia Heyi's cuteness, and had to say, this little girl really knew how to calm her down, and her weakness was eaten to death by her. ·····
(End of this chapter)

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