Chapter 334 Talent Contest (15)

Xia Heyi glanced at Xia Xin with resentful eyes, Xia Xin, this person is really bad!

Ji Shao, who had been in the backstage all the time, heard so many people scolding Xia Heyi in the audience, he couldn't help but rush to the stage. Unfortunately, at this time, those prosecutors and the security guard who didn't know when they called over , all rushed up one by one and grabbed themselves tightly.

"Ji Shao, offended!"

"Damn it! Let me go up! I want to go up to the stage!" Ji Shaoyi, after all, is outnumbered alone, dragged by so many people, they dragged Ji Shaoyi farther and farther, in short, it is impossible to let Ji Shaoyi who is out of control now Don't enter the stage less, otherwise, you don't know what will happen on the stage!

"What? Can't you hear the voices of so many people now? Host, why are you standing there stupidly? Why don't you take off that person's veil quickly! Let everyone take a good look at who she is!" Yao Fei Er'er glanced at the helpless host standing on the stage, Lu Yaoguang, just wait for your reputation to be ruined and kicked out of St. Geli!
Xia Heyi couldn't help but rushed to Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er, these two bad girls!Really should teach them a lesson!
"Don't go..." The moment Xia Heyi rushed out, Lu Yaoguang grabbed her.

Xia Xin noticed Xia Heyi's actions, and laughed lightly, "Hey, Xia Heyi, could it be that you have become angry from embarrassment? What? Did we hit the spot? The person next to you is not Wang Shiqi at all, is it? Don't tell us that Wang Shiqi's face is injured or other excuses to cover up her veil! I believe that everyone present should have seen Wang Shiqi this day. Her face should be Is there any problem?" Xia Xin raised her chin proudly, looked at Xia Heyi and the people around her on the stage with a victorious posture, and now let's talk about what Xia Heyi might say for a while. The absurd words were stopped, although she was not very worried that Xia Heyi would make those excuses,

However, if Xia Heyi really said those excuses, it would take some more time. Although the established result would not change, she just didn't want to wait even a second!She wanted to see Xia Heyi's embarrassing appearance with her own eyes as soon as possible!

Yao Fei'er also grinned ferociously under the stage, Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang, quickly expose your face to everyone, you replace others in the competition, so what if you dance well?Don't you have to get out of St. Geli with the infamy?
"Yes, yes! Host, what are you doing? Why don't you let that woman take off her veil quickly? We want to see her true face!"

"I think it's because she has a guilty conscience and doesn't dare to pick that person! Have you noticed? Her feet are shaking! She must have a guilty conscience!"

"Host! Why don't you guys do anything? Could it be that you were bought by Xia Heyi?"

"Oh, by the way~ Didn't the host just say that before going on stage to perform, they have to be inspected by the inspectors? Could it be that the inspectors were also bribed by Xia Heyi?"

"What about St. Geli Talent Competition, it's not fair at all!"

"Yes, yes! That person on the stage, why don't you quickly take off your veil and kowtow to us?!"

Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er glanced at each other, now, the situation is settled——

(End of this chapter)

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