Chapter 350 Fainting 02
What should she do now? !

It's so uncomfortable, those bad pictures hit me again, as if I want to swallow myself up, what should I do? !

"Hey——" Lu Yaoguang's head bumped into a stiff body. She didn't expect a person to appear in front of her suddenly, and her body was about to fall back uncontrollably, but this person stretched out his hand in time.

"Doesn't look at the road when you walk? What are you thinking?"

Lu Yaoguang raised his head, "Gu Zhiyang?!" Lu Yaoguang did not expect that Gu Zhiyang would suddenly appear here at this moment, and wondered, "Gu Zhiyang, why are you here?"

Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang indifferently, "What do you mean why am I here? Saint Geli Talent Competition only allows you to come?"

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

She doesn't have time to talk nonsense with Gu Zhiyang now!She is in a mess now, her head is so dizzy that she is almost dizzy!
"It's you, what did you promise me?" Gu Zhiyang was taken aback when he saw Lu Yaoguang dancing on the stage, but when he saw that Lu Yaoguang actually had his hair down At that time, he was so angry that he thought...
Didn't this Lu Yaoguang make an appointment with himself that her long hair was only for him?

Now it's all right, she untied the rope, let down her hair, let down her hair... was seen by so many people in the audience!
And the media was there to shoot!
"Lu Yaoguang, will you die if you don't show a little limelight? Why don't you keep what you promised?" Gu Zhiyang looked at the "impatient" expression on Lu Yaoguang's face, and his whole body was about to explode. "Okay Lu Yaoguang, I'm talking to you! Why didn't you get my consent..."

"Enough!" However, before Gu Zhiyang could finish speaking, Lu Yaoguang suddenly shouted at Gu Zhiyang, "Gu Zhiyang, I'm already irritable enough now! I can trouble you, don't whisper in my ear anymore Talking about a lot of useless things? Really, really, really annoying!" Lu Yaoguang almost yelled out the last three words, and her eyes turned red.

The coldness in Gu Zhiyang's eyes became heavier, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Lu Yaoguang as if he was going to swallow Lu Yaoguang alive, "Lu Yaoguang, you, you, good job! You this······"

This time, Lu Yaoguang still didn't let Gu Zhiyang finish his sentence, because Lu Yaoguang had fainted——

"Hey! Lu Yaoguang! Don't scare me!" Gu Zhiyang hugged Lu Yaoguang's body that suddenly fell, and his whole body was taken aback. He patted Lu Yaoguang's cheek in panic, " Yaoguang! Yaoguang! Hey! Wake up! Wake up!"

Gu Zhiyang saw that Lu Yaoguang hadn't moved, and it wasn't pretending, he quickly picked up Lu Yaoguang, took him back to the car, and sent him back home...
Xia Xin took the car and returned to Xia's house in a daze.

The house is in darkness now. Today is the two-day collective vacation of the Xia family's servants. He Suyun has moved out, and Xia Mingzhi is still in the company. The entire Xia family is silent at the moment...
Xia Xin swayed and entered the entrance. She took off her shoes, but fell to the ground suddenly.

It's over!It's all over!
Now the whole school, everyone knows what she did!

Including the media present, this incident will definitely be known to the whole city...
(End of this chapter)

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