Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 356 It's all their fault!

Chapter 356 It's all their fault!

Xia Xin rushed to Yao Feier's place, but found that Yao Feier made an appointment with her in a small house in the suburbs.

As soon as Xia Xin saw Yao Feier, she reached out to Yao Feier, "Yao Feier, give me the money I asked you to sell on the black market before."

Yao Fei'er frowned, not understanding why Xia Xin suddenly asked herself for the money. When she was in the hospital, Xia Xin suddenly handed herself a bunch of keys and told her a place to go to pick her up. and sold them on the black market for more than 400 million yuan...

Although I don't know where Xia Xin got these valuables, but the money is still with me, "What do you want these money for now?!"

"Hey, don't ask, just give it to me, I just... I just..." Xia Xin stammered, making Yao Fei'er suspicious.

"What happened to you just now? Xia Xin, please speak clearly..."

"Just now, I smashed Xia Mingzhi to death..."

"What?!" Yao Feier's eyes widened. Xia Xin actually killed Xia Mingzhi? ! "Xia Xin, are you crazy? You actually do such a thing as murder... Do you know that if you are like this, you will..."

"I'm not sure if he's dead! In short, he passed out... I can't help it. Xia Mingzhi knows what I have done. He wants to drive me out of Xia's house. What do you think? Can he drive me out of Xia's house? If he drives me out, I will have nothing... I will have nothing..." Xia Xin looked flustered and became a little nervous.

Yao Fei'er swallowed, and put her hands on Xia Xin's shoulders, "Xia Xin, listen to me, don't you want to know anything now? Don't think about anything first. Come on, let's sit down first, we Let's talk first...don't be afraid..."

Under Yao Fei'er's guidance, Xia Xin gradually relaxed. She held Yao Fei'er's hand, "Fei'er, why are you here? Why don't you go home?"

"I," Yao Fei'er couldn't say a word, she bit her lower lip tightly and dug her nails into the palm of her hand, "I can't go home now, my dad will beat me to death if the things I did in St. Mine! I can't go back now..."

Listening to Yao Fei'er's words, Xia Xin gritted her teeth with hatred, "It's all those damned bitches Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang!!! If they hadn't made such a thing up, we two, and How could it be like this now..."

The more Xia Xin thought about it, the more angry she became. Now, her entire face was replaced by anger and hatred, which made her face very hideous and terrifying.

When Yao Fei'er heard Xia Xin talking about Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang, the flames of anger in her heart were blazing, "Yes, it's all caused by these two bitches! Otherwise, how could we end up in this situation? The end?! These two sluts are simply unforgivable! The two of them have hurt us so badly that we can’t go back home! Let our reputation be ruined! If we just let them go so easily, it would be too cheap for them Two sluts!"

"You're right! Why do the two of us have to live in such misery? And the two of them... Xia Heyi will definitely return to the Xia family to enjoy the life of her daughter again, but I will be like a mouse crossing the street , running around... This is not fair at all!"

"That's right! It's not fair!" Yao Fei'er responded, "It's all because of them that we will become like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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