Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 358 You are not qualified to control me!

Chapter 358 You are not qualified to control me!

When Gu Zhiyang saw the necklace, his eyes also paused.

The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly dropped, and neither of them spoke. Gu Zhiyang let go of Lu Yaoguang's hand.

Lu Yaoguang watched his hand being loosened suddenly, and his heart suddenly became empty...

"I'm tired and want to rest." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, she lay down and covered herself with the quilt.

Gu Zhiyang remained silent, put the necklace back into his clothes, walked out of the room, and closed the door.

The moment Lu Yaoguang listened to the door close, he didn't know why, but suddenly became very uncomfortable. What was the reason?Why is it so uncomfortable...
She didn't want to, she didn't want to make herself so uncomfortable...
Lu Yaoguang closed his eyes, his body was gradually exhausted, he was so sleepy and sleepy...
Go to sleep, wake up, don't think about anything.

Early the next morning.

After waking up, Lu Yaoguang felt relieved all over, and after a good night's rest, she felt much more relaxed.

Just when Lu Yaoguang got up and stretched, her right eyelid kept twitching...
Lu Yaoguang brushed his teeth and washed his face, but his eyelids still twitched from time to time.This made Lu Yaoguang very uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen...

When Lu Yaoguang thought about it, he thought of Xia Heyi, could it be Yao Fei'er and Xia Xin? !

Lu Yaoguang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Xia Heyi's number, but...
"Hi, the user you dialed has switched off..."

Why can't I get through?Lu Yaoguang dialed the phone twice, but found that Xia Heyi hadn't answered the phone, which made Lu Yaoguang feel even more uneasy. She opened the room——

Gu Zhiyang happened to pass by Lu Yaoguang's room.

Gu Zhiyang: "..."

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Neither of them spoke, they were silent.

Lu Yaoguang glanced at Gu Zhiyang, then called Xia Heyi again, turned around and left.But Gu Zhiyang saw the display on Lu Yaoguang's phone screen.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" Gu Zhiyang spoke first, and called to stop Lu Yaoguang, who stopped, "I'm going to find He Yi."

Gu Zhiyang felt restless, Xia Heyi again? "Lu Yaoguang, you just fainted yesterday, and now you're going to find Xia Heyi again! How much do you like meddling in other people's affairs? Do you know that I yesterday..." Gu Zhiyang found that he almost slipped the tongue, he stopped it in time, and did not continue, but Lu Yaoguang opened the door, and when he saw Gu Zhiyang, he was very upset, she didn't want to talk to Gu Zhiyang again. Yang was talking, so he didn't notice Gu Zhiyang's last few words, but only heard what Gu Zhiyang said earlier.

"Yes, I just like to meddle in other people's affairs, what's wrong? I like it! You have no right to control me!" Lu Yaoguang was worried about Xia Heyi's safety, and at the same time saw Gu Zhiyang very upset and irritable.

"Okay! Okay!" Gu Zhiyang was completely angry because of Lu Yaoguang's words, "I'm not qualified to control you, am I? Lu Yaoguang, remember, if something happens to you next, I won't help you anymore !"

"If you don't help, you won't help! It won't help you!" Lu Yaoguang said very forcefully, and ran out of Gu's house.

Gu Zhiyang looked at the figure of Lu Yaoguang running out, and he was so angry that he clenched his hands into fists and hit the wall beside him.

 Ten thousand villains tomorrow qaq
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(End of this chapter)

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