Chapter 366 Cooperation (06)
"Hehe, Lu Yaoguang, you are really loyal! All right. Come to you!" Yao Fei'er said, grabbing Lu Yaoguang's hair, looking at Lu Yaoguang's frown because of the pain , Yao Fei'er felt very relieved... The pain of being abandoned by Gu Zhiyang before and her reputation in Shengge Li was ruined, because Lu Yaoguang's painful expression now finally got a little relief.

"Fei'er, this is up to you." Xia Xin stepped back very consciously, allowing Yao Fei'er to have more space to abuse Lu Yaoguang.



Yao Fei'er slapped Lu Yaoguang twice in a row, and her nails scratched Lu Yaoguang's face, bringing out a little bloodshot.

"Yao Fei'er, you're so special!" Xia Heyi reacted, and immediately bit down on Yao Fei'er's hand holding Lu Yao's bald hair——

"Ah!!! Xia Heyi, you bitch! Crazy! Let go!!" Yao Feier didn't pay attention for a while, and was bitten by Xia Heyi, her hand was burning with pain.She could even feel the blood flowing from her hands...

Xia Xin watched Xia Heyi bite Yao Fei'er, and was about to step forward to grab Xia Heyi, but Lu Yaoguang found the right time and kicked Xia Xin's knees with both feet, Xia Xin fell suddenly. to the ground.


The two people who were going to beat others were now being beaten, and screamed, which made Heisha very happy. The battle between women is always so terrible...

But he didn't let the screams last for long, instead he signaled the two men with his eyes, one of them separated Yao Fei'er and Xia Heyi.One of his subordinates was helping Xia Xin who was on the ground.

Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang immediately leaned close together, looking around vigilantly.

Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er looked at Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang even more viciously, "You two bitches! It seems that we have been too gentle with you after all!" Xia Xin said, pushing away Hold yourself up.She took out the pliers she had kept aside all the time, looked at Xia Xin, "Aren't you good at playing the piano? Huh? Don't you love playing the piano?!"

Lu Yaoguang looked at Xia Xin holding the pliers in her hand, and a terrible thought filled her mind.She yelled at Xia Xin, "Xia Xin, stop doing these crazy things! Stop now, you know! You can still save yourself if you stop now!"

Xia Xin turned a deaf ear to Lu Yaoguang's cry. Yao Fei'er looked at the pliers in Xia Xin's hand, and immediately understood what Xia Xin was going to do. She looked at Xia Xin with eyes full of admiration, "Xia Xin , I didn't expect that you could think of this place..."

Xia Heyi naturally realized what Xia Xin was going to do to her, she swallowed.

Xia Heyi, now is not the time to be afraid!You can't be afraid!
"Come on! Xia Xin, I'm not afraid of you!" Xia Heyi roared at Xia Xin, Lu Yaoguang hurriedly pushed Xia Heyi away with her body, Xia Heyi staggered and fell to the ground...

"Yao Fei'er, don't you hate me so much? If you have anything to do, come to me." Lu Yaoguang looked at Yao Fei'er, she knew that Yao Fei'er didn't have pliers, now, she can only use Yao Fei'er Fei'er's hatred for him made Yao Fei'er attack him first, so that He Yi could be protected!
As long as she can hold on for a few more minutes, she believes that Gu Zhiyang will definitely come to rescue them!
He will definitely come!

A gleam flashed in Yao Fei'er's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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