Chapter 369 Resisting the Enemy (02)
Lu Yaoguang only felt that someone was yelling at her all the time, it was so noisy... She opened her tired eyes, "Gu... Zhiyang?"

"Well, it's me, I'm here. I'm here, don't be afraid." Gu Zhiyang comforted Lu Yaoguang. He saw Lu Yaoguang's face was red and swollen, his whole body was soaked, and his feet were covered with blood. I feel like I'm all pulled together.

"Don't be afraid, take a good rest first, and I will take you out of here." Gu Zhiyang helped Lu Yaoguang up, Xia Heyi was rescued, and hurried over, she supported Lu Yaoguang, Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhi Yang leaning together...

Heisha's subordinates had already turned off the car lights at this time, seeing Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang coming, each of his subordinates showed their weapons.

"You two little brothers, do you want to be a hero? I'm afraid this is not the place for you to be a hero..." Heisha couldn't help but wonder when he saw that so many people had already been lying under his command in just a few minutes. The two boys who appeared suddenly became a little vigilant. What is the origin of these two people?
Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang leaned together, "About 800 people."

Gu Zhiyang snorted softly, "Are you scared?!"

"Who's scared?! I just didn't expect to join forces with someone like you to fight." Ji Shaoyi was very surprised that he would fight side by side with Gu Zhiyang at this moment.

Gu Zhiyang: "Oh, don't hold back..."

Ji Shaoyi: "You are..."

"Don't come soon? They must not be allowed to leave today!" Xia Xin covered her cheeks being beaten, watching Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang protect Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang, absolutely, absolutely not letting go them!
"Give it to me!" Heisha gave an order, and all the people with weapons surrounded Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang...

A group of people with sticks surrounded them first, Ji Shaoyi kicked one person down, and that person pressed down on the other people's feet, immediately knocked down a group of people, Ji Shaoyi took the opportunity to snatch the weapons from those people , who came up next, Ji Shaoyi was like whack-a-mole, one by one, knocking them down to the ground...



Gu Zhiyang knocked down a man holding a long knife from his armpit with an elbow. The long knife in his hand was borrowed by Gu Zhiyang just before it hit the ground. Gu Zhiyang used the back of the knife to hit the other man hard The acupuncture points of the people who came up, those who were hit by Gu Zhiyang with the back of the knife did not know why they only felt sore and weak at the moment of being hit, and fell to the ground. Gu Zhiyang stepped on a fallen ground On the back of the person, a kick kicked the weapons of these people who continued to meet them to the ground, and then quickly entered among these unarmed people, and beat them hard...

Due to the lack of space for these people and the lack of space in this warehouse, they took this young boy with only two people lightly. For a while, they were taken advantage of by Gu Zhiyang and Ji Shao...

Gu Zhiyang is quite relieved about Ji Shaoyi's fighting skills. After all, in the stage play before, he and Ji Shaoyi fought with real guns and ammunition. In a short period of time, he didn't take any advantage. Similarly, Ji Shaoyi was also very relieved of Gu Zhiyang, the two of them chose to hand over their backs to each other at the same time, and face the enemy in front by themselves, just because they had someone they wanted to protect.


(End of this chapter)

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