Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 378 The Sun Has Shined In

Chapter 378 The Sun Has Shined In

"Yeah." Gu Zhiyang's voice seemed very sinister at this moment, "Look carefully, don't let them die."


Gu Zhiyang tapped the steering wheel with his hands, and the person on the other end of the phone didn't hang up the phone, waiting for Gu Zhiyang's next order.

"Pull off all the fingernails and toes of the two of them... Yao family, tomorrow, I don't want to see them in this city again."


Gu Zhiyang hung up the phone and arrived home.

He stepped into the room alone and packed his things without saying a word. The necklace was still tightly held in his hand.

Gu Zhiyang packed his things quickly, walked out of the room, and closed the door.He put his things on the ground, took the necklace, and walked to Yu Pingting's room...

The door was gently opened, Gu Zhiyang leaned against the bed, looked at the photo of himself and Pingting on the table, and opened the necklace with his hand.

In the photo in the necklace, both of them are smiling so happily and brilliantly, but in this photo, Yu Pingting and himself.was cut apart.

Gu Zhiyang caressed the photo carefully, "Pingting..."

He thought it was time for him to let go...

The moment Yao Guang slid off his body, the moment she passed out completely in front of him, Gu Zhiyang only felt that his heart was broken...

What is he doing, what the hell is he doing? !

What exactly does he want...

While waiting in the hospital, he thought, he finally figured it out.

Pingting has become a thing of the past...

New sunshine has shone in...

When did it start?
Was it her attitude and behavior when you first met?
Is it the bickering between her and herself so many times?

Was it her company for so long?

still is……

No matter which one it is, Gu Zhiyang himself doesn't know when Lu Yaoguang walked into his heart like this...

The moment she fell down, he suddenly realized that Lu Yaoguang was so important to him...

It's so important that he can let go of Yu Pingting...

"Pingting. This is my last time here..."

"Thank you for appearing in my life..."

Gu Zhiyang closed the photo on the necklace, stood up, walked to the table, and covered the photo on the table...

"Goodbye, Pingting..."

From then on, there was only one person in Gu Zhiyang's heart... irreplaceable, one person...

The next morning, a ray of sunlight shone into the hospital ward.

Lu Yaoguang's eyelashes trembled slightly, like a butterfly just emerging from its cocoon. Gu Zhiyang sat beside Lu Yaoguang and watched Lu Yaoguang all night. Now that Lu Yaoguang was about to wake up, he walked to the road Beside Yaoguang, "Yaoguang, Yaoguang...?!" Gu Zhiyang called lightly, and Lu Yaoguang slowly opened his eyes...

"Hiss..." At the moment when he regained consciousness, Lu Yaoguang only felt pain all over his body, especially the pain from his left foot, which was even worse...

"Are you awake? Is there any discomfort?" Gu Zhiyang wanted to help Lu Yaoguang up, but accidentally touched the stick wound on Lu Yaoguang's shoulder. Lu Yaoguang immediately cried out in pain, Gu Zhiyang Yang immediately let go, not daring to move...

"I'm sorry..." Gu Zhiyang suddenly buried his head in Lu Yaoguang's shoulder...

Lu Yaoguang was startled.Why did Gu Zhiyang... he, he just like this when she woke up?
"Gu Zhiyang, what's wrong with you? You're like this, I'm... scared?..."

 The remaining seven chapters should be published at night.

(End of this chapter)

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