Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 380 Season 1's Apology and Thanks

Chapter 380 Ji Shaoyi's Apology and Thanks
"Yaoguang! Yaoguang!" Before Xia Heyi entered Lu Yaoguang's ward, Lu Yaoguang had already heard her cry.

Fortunately, she and Gu Zhiyang have already woken up, otherwise, she would not know how to face Xia Heyi.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw himself sleeping with Gu Zhiyang ==
It's embarrassing to think about it!

"Heyi." Lu Yaoguang smiled and looked at Xia Heyi who walked into the ward, and behind Xia Heyi were Ji Shaoyi and Yunyi.

"Yaoguang, are you feeling better?" Yunyi walked into the ward, put his hands in his pockets, his figure just covered the sunlight shining on Lu Yaoguang's face, Lu Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yunyi gratefully, Yunyi really It's very sweet, she just wanted Gu Zhiyang to close the curtains!

Seeing Yunyi's actions, Gu Zhiyang drew the curtains with a dark face, and Yunyi looked at Gu Zhiyang with a smile.

Yunyi: A brother is a brother, but Lu Yaoguang won't let him go!
Gu Zhiyang: Let the horse come here!

Leaving aside the eye contact between Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi, it was Ji Shaoyi who walked into the ward and looked at Lu Yaoguang and said solemnly, "Lu Yaoguang, I'm sorry. Also, thank you."

Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi looked at Ji Shaoyi in bewilderment, what's going on?Ji Shaoyi actually apologized to himself? !

Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi also stopped to meet their eyes, and looked at Ji Shaoyi.

"I apologize to you because when I first met you, I suspected that you were trying to get close to Yiyi." Ji Shaoyi explained the reason for his apology. After going through so many things, he believed that Lu Yaoguang was not The kind of girl he thought of at the beginning, "Thank you, thank you for protecting Yiyi and being by Yiyi's side for so long, especially this time. I heard from Yiyi that the injury on your foot... It should be in Yiyi's hand..." After Ji Shaoyi finished speaking, he made a movement that shocked everyone, and he bent down towards Lu Yaoguang, "Thank you."

Lu Yaoguang was so frightened that she subconsciously wanted to get out of bed and help Ji Shaoyi up, but everyone hurriedly stopped him, Xia Heyi helped Ji Shaoyi up, "Young One..."

Ji Shaoyi's eyes were delighted, and Yiyi called herself "Shaoyi" instead of "Ji Shaoyi"? !She never called herself "Less One" before unless it was special. She never thought that now, because of her apology and thanks, she would get Yiyi's "approval" (Ji Shaoyi called Xia Heyi by his own name. It is different but regarded as a certain degree of recognition for oneself) If I had known that Yiyi’s approval could be obtained so easily, I would have to thank myself as many times as I want!
"You, you're too polite." Faced with Ji Shaoyi's thanks, Lu Yaoguang became at a loss, "He Yi is one of my few friends, and when she is in trouble, I should take good care of her. "This is a kind of default promise between friends.

Because we are friends, so if you are in trouble, I will definitely stand up!

Xia Heyi was so moved that she hugged Lu Yaoguang directly, but she knew that Lu Yaoguang was injured behind, so she didn't hug Lu Yaoguang too hard.

"By the way, this morning, Yao Fei'er's family went bankrupt..." At this moment, Yunyi brought up the news he had received early in the morning.

Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi were taken aback, what's going on?Why did it suddenly go bankrupt...

Both of them remained silent, no matter what, this was a punishment for Yao Fei'er.

(End of this chapter)

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