Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 385 Yunyi's Ringtone

Chapter 385 Yunyi's Ringtone

Moreover, what she thought was true, since the three of you are already so close?Wouldn't it be better to change the title?

Gu Zhiyang's eyes kept staring at the ward, "Are you alright? Alright, hurry up and give me your pen!" If it's not good, my wife will be kicked away!

"Okay, okay, if you think there is no problem, please sign here." The little nurse looked at Gu Zhiyang, her face flushed slightly, this young man is so handsome!I just don't know why I keep looking at the ward, and I don't know whether it is polite to look at the other person when talking to others!

But that’s okay, it’s cool and good too!
Gu Zhiyang quickly signed his name on the paper, and then immediately ran back to the ward, what the hell, Yunyi and Lu Yaoguang had already chatted so happily in just a short while after he went out by himself? !
And Lu Yaoguang, look what kind of smile that is!Shy? !Why do you rarely smile when you are with yourself!And the smile is not like it is now...
Why is this Yunyi so good at chatting? !
Gu Zhiyang walked into the ward with a dark face. When Lu Yaoguang saw the black-faced Gu Zhiyang, he was still wondering, who is so ignorant that he provoked Gu Zhiyang? !

At this moment, the phone in Yunyi's pocket suddenly rang. It was a song hummed by a girl. Lu Yaoguang had never heard it before, but she could still tell that it was a human-recorded voice. There is still a slight difference from the normal downloaded music.

Yunyi, how...how can he use this music? !

I have to say, this girl's voice is really nice!
Gu Zhiyang raised his eyebrows, hurry up and answer the phone!Hurry up and answer the phone!
Yunyi froze, and after a moment of silence, she said, "I'll go outside to answer the phone." After speaking, Yunyi went out by herself.

Watching Yunyi leave, Lu Yaoguang suddenly felt a little curious, could the person who called Yunyi be the girl who sang the ringtone of Yunyi's call?

"Hey! Everyone is gone! What are you looking at?" Gu Zhiyang stood in front of Lu Yaoguang, it was strange, everyone had left, what exactly was Lu Yaoguang looking at?Is Yunyi's back so pretty? !
Lu Yaoguang closed his eyes, if he didn't look, he wouldn't look!
For the next month, Lu Yaoguang and Xia Mingzhi stayed in the hospital every day, slowly recovering.

It was only then that Gu Zhiyang regretted why he didn't listen carefully to what the nurse had to say. What the nurse said was to ask Gu Zhiyang whether he wanted Lu Yaoguang to be hospitalized in the next month.

But fortunately, Gu Zhiyang slept with Lu Yaoguang every night, which comforted his irritable heart.

How could Lu Yaoguang obediently let Gu Zhiyang go to bed?It's really because, Gu Zhiyang is now "ill" every night, and she keeps yelling "Ah Guang, Ah Guang" in her ears. It's nothing at all, and I can bear it. The key is that Gu Zhiyang is always with her. She was exhausted very late, which made her very tired. Based on the principle of letting herself have a good rest, Lu Yaoguang still gave up resistance.

Forget it, if Gu Zhiyang wants to sleep, let him sleep, as long as he can bear the small bed.

Regarding this, Gu Zhiyang was very happy, every night he hugged the beauty to sleep, that was refreshing!
(End of this chapter)

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