Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 399 Lu Yaoguang's Actions

Chapter 399 Lu Yaoguang's Actions (02)

The sound of "Run away!" Lu Yaoguang shouted could almost be described as deafening.

And the sound of "Run away!" also made those Class [-] students who walked with Chen Jie yesterday bow their heads.

Everyone else looked at class three, and Lu Yaoguang said again, "Later, there were three people from Yinghuang Academy who snatched Chen Jie from Xu Chaowen. Chen Jie was beaten alive just like that. died······"

"I've heard my friend who's had a rough time say she wants to help,"

"But a classmate from yours next to her held her forward and said, if you can help for a while, what will you do after that? What will you do in places you can't see? We are not the same as being bullied."

"I want to ask everyone, are you willing to be bullied? Do you really think that you are not as good as those high-ranking young masters and ladies who call themselves 'noble districts' if you are labeled a 'slum'? What?!"

"Do you think that everyone is not born fair? Is it equal? ​​Are you willing to be the one who is bullied?!"

As soon as Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he was immediately questioned by a group of students from the window.

"What can we do? We are forced to!"

"That's it! Do you think we want to?! We have no background, no connections, those students in the 'noble district' are the children of prominent people, they only need to lift their feet lightly, and all of us will suffer Already!"

"There is no chance to resist! You let us resist?! Isn't this telling us to go to death?!"

"Yes, yes! I just want to finish my studies in peace and stability, so that when I go out in the future, I can earn money to support my family."

"I don't want to ruin my future opportunities by messing with them!"

"That's right! What qualifications do you have to say about us?!"

"You are Lu Yaoguang, right! You have Young Master Gu backing you! Your friend is Xia Heyi, daughter of the Xia family, right?! You all have backers, why do you ask us innocent people to fight?! "

Facing the quarreling sounds from everyone on the window, Lu Yaoguang looked very calm.

"Yes, that's right. I am Lu Yaoguang, and my friend is Xia Heyi. But there is no backer behind us! Both Heyi and I came out of the 'slums', we know your difficulties, we know Your embarrassment."

"But because of this, do we not resist anything? It is because everyone has such a compromise idea, thinking that as long as they 'keep their faces', they can be 'safe and sound', but in fact, is this really the case? ?!"

"I heard that since the talent contest, Chen Jie has been subjected to violence from Xu Chaowen's classmates more than once! To this, Xu Chaowen's answer is that because Chen Jie is a student from the 'slums', because Chen Jie dragged his Hind legs!"

"But in fact, is it like this?! You have all been in the audience and watched the talent contest."

"Let me ask you, did Chen Jie make any mistakes in his performance?!"

"No no! Chen Jie's performance is perfect!"

"He even got the affirmation of the master! How could he make a mistake!"

"I saw it very clearly at the time! It was because Xu Chao asked! It was his own fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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