Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 401 Lu Yaoguang's Actions

Chapter 401 Lu Yaoguang's Actions (04)

Faced with a burst of abuse from the students in the "noble district" in the corridor, the students behind Lu Yaoguang were all furious.

These self-proclaimed "noble district" students are too much!They just come here and they're just yelling at them to get out.

Why? !
If it weren't for their group of respectable parents, wouldn't they be the same as us? !

Seeing that the students in the "slums" were about to talk back, Lu Yaoguang picked up the loudspeaker.

"Xu Chao asked. If you have the guts, stand up." Lu Yaoguang went straight in, and asked by name directly to find Xu Chaowen.

The students in the "Noble District" all looked at Xu Chaowen's location.

"Hey Xu Chao asked, Mr. Gu's woman is looking for you!"

"Why don't you respond quickly?! Why, you really don't have any kind?!"

"Xu Chao asked, why didn't you say a word?"


Xu Chaowen stood at the front of the corridor, "What do you want from me?!" He yelled at Lu Yaoguang downstairs.

"Xu Chao asked, do you still remember that student Chen Jie that you led someone to beat up yesterday?!"

Xu Chaowen frowned, just because of this? !Lu Yaoguang, what does she want to do? !Do you want to expose your behavior in front of everyone? !It's ridiculous, I'm not the only one who did this kind of thing to the group of Saint Geli's offal.Why does Lu Yaoguang keep holding on to herself? !
"Remember! Isn't it just a mess? What's the matter?!" Xu Chao asked Zhaolu Yaoguang loudly.His answer drew a burst of appreciative voices from the students in the "Noble District"——

"It turned out to be a bastard who hit a 'slum'!"

"Tch~ I thought something happened!"

"You brought this group of 'scumbags' here to make trouble with us? Is there something wrong with your mind?"

"I also beat those bastards! Why don't you say me!"


The students in the "noble district" felt very ridiculous that Lu Yaoguang brought a group of "slum" bastards here to make a fuss just because one of them, Xu Chaowen, beat up a "slum" person.funny.

Every move they made and every word they said was seen and heard by the students in the "slums". All of them were so angry that their faces were red and their necks were swollen.

"Fuck! What are you guys?!"

"That's right, isn't it just a group of people who rely on their parents?! Without your parents, you are still the same as us, what is there to be arrogant?!"

"A group of prodigal sons who have done less than succeed but failed, you really have thick skins. You only rely on your parents and you are ashamed to shout here..."

"What are you bastards talking about?! Believe it or not, we ran down to beat you?!"

"Come on! Damn, I've been upset with you for a long time! We just let you, do you really think we dare not do anything to you?!"


For a moment, the students standing in the corridors of the teaching building and in the "noble district" and "slums" below the teaching building were making a lot of noise——


Lu Yaoguang turned up the volume of the horn to the loudest. For a while, everyone was so frightened by the sudden sound of the horn that they covered their ears and stopped arguing.

"Xu Chao asked, you beat someone else, and now you still feel honored, right?!" Lu Yaoguang was very angry that Xu Chao still refused to change his attitude after asking, St. Geli, how could there be such a person!

(End of this chapter)

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