Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 403 Lu Yaoguang's Actions

Chapter 403 Lu Yaoguang's Actions (06)
"You little turtles who rely on your parents, don't you hurry up and apologize?!"

"Students from the 'Noble District'! You are clearly a coward! Especially you, Xu Chao asked, why don't you surrender yourself and apologize publicly?!"

After the man finished speaking, Xu Chaowen patted the wall and rushed downstairs. He rushed downstairs, followed by a group of "St. Geli" students.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."

"The bastards from their 'slum' are here, why don't we go down soon? Damn, it's really itchy, it's so annoying?!"

"How dare you call us a coward! Damn, these bastards who deserve to be beaten!"


Soon, all the students from St. Geli's "noble district" and "slums" gathered together, led by Lu Yaoguang and Xu Chaowen, and divided into two factions——

"Xu Chao asked, until now, don't you have the slightest sense of guilt?" Lu Yaoguang questioned Xu Chao asked, Xu Chao asked and slapped himself on the chest, "I was right, it was those three students from other schools who were wrong! Chen Jie's death and I'm fine! Lu Yaoguang, for the sake of you being Gu Shao's woman, since Gu Shao and the others didn't come today, I won't pursue this matter with you. As for the students in the 'slums' behind you, as long as you They apologized to us! Today's matter, let's forget it."

"What?! Xu Chao asked you, you shameless person, how dare you ask us to apologize to you?!" The students in the "slums" behind Lu Yaoguang felt really baffled and extremely ridiculous when they heard Xu Chao ask this.
"Damn it, we heard you scolding us just now! Why don't you hurry up and apologize!" The students in the "Noble District" were also not willing to let it go!
"Xu Chao asked, I will ask you one last thing." Lu Yaoguang asked the students in the "slums" to be quiet, and asked Xu Chao, asking the last question.

Xu Chao asked and looked at Lu Yaoguang, "Tell me."

"You chose to stand by and stand by when those students from other schools beat up the students from our school. After that, when students from other schools beat up other students from our school, you, you students from the 'noble district', would still choose to stand by and watch?!"

Xu Chao asked was speechless by Lu Yaoguang's question, and he was speechless for a while, but the other "noble district" students were the first to speak, "The kind of thing you said doesn't exist at all! For those students from other schools Yes, we are not afraid of them at all! We have enough money to hire bodyguards!"

"Yes, we can afford security guards!" Xu Chao asked loudly, patting his chest, "We're not afraid at all! It's you people in the 'slums' who should be more careful!"

"Today, for the sake of 'one king and two young men', I don't care about you. Everyone, let's go back to class. People in the 'slums', go back! Otherwise, don't blame us for doing it now!" Xu Chao asked, She winked with the students in the "Noble District", after all, she is a woman with "one king and two young men", so they should not provoke them too much!

Seeing that the students in the "noble district" all went upstairs, and the students in the "slums" stopped working, they gradually started to commotion. At this moment, a familiar voice from Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang came, "Everyone be quiet first!" Yijing, let's go back first, I believe that Yaoguang and Heyi will have a way to solve this matter!"

Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi turned their heads to look.Shouted in surprise: "Squad leader?!"

(End of this chapter)

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