Chapter 418 Why is it so lively (01)

The people of Yinghuang Academy were all silent because of Ye Quan's words.

Lu Yaoguang frowned slightly, never thought that Ye Quan would have such a high status in Yinghuang Academy.

"I think," Ye Quan smiled, and continued to look at Lu Yaoguang standing in front of him who was already full of vigilance, "Is there some misunderstanding between us?"

"What misunderstanding?!" The injured classmate behind St. Geli yelled, "Do you think the injuries on our hands are fake?!"

"Are you kidding? You laid down alone! We laid down several people! If you really want to settle the score, how will you settle it?!"

Ye Quan raised his eyebrows, and felt a little puzzled in his heart. It didn't seem like they were lying, but...

"I'm just talking to this lady, you guys, can you shut up?" Ye Quan looked at the people who were talking to him just now, and the victorious expressions of those people froze, wondering why he felt that... ·Can't open your mouth? !

It was as if there was a poisonous snake waiting around his neck!

"I am a member of St. Geli," Lu Yaoguang clearly stated his position, "If you want to talk to me, you have to listen to the voice of our St. Geli."

"Oh?" Ye Quan said, "But look," he pointed at the people behind him wearing St. Geli's school uniform, "They don't seem to want to talk anymore..."

Just as Ye Quan finished speaking, another group of people walked over from one side, "Who said that?"

Everyone looked at this group of people, and Lu Yaoguang said in surprise, "Squad leader?! And...everyone?"

"Who are you?" The people of Yinghuang Academy looked at this group of people in simple clothes and were very puzzled. Why did these people appear here?
"Ah, that's St. Geli's school badge!" Some sharp-eyed people from Yinghuang Academy saw the school badge pinned to these people.

"She is our representative, and what she says is what we want to say." Xu Sheng led everyone in St. Geli's "slums" to the gate of St. Geli's "noble district". Students, come together.

"Yes! What she said is what we have to say!"

"She is our representative!"

After Xu Sheng finished speaking, all the students in St. Geli's "slums" responded with loud voices. This voice made Ye Quan frowned.

Lu Yaoguang looked at Xu Sheng very gratefully. She knew that she would get the support of so many "slum" students now, and she must have the help of the monitor!
Since they choose to believe in themselves, then they will not let them down!

"Please be quiet." Lu Yaoguang said, and the students in the "slums" stopped arguing immediately. Lu Yaoguang looked at Ye Quan, whose expression was gradually relaxed because the quarrel stopped, "Besides you have to hand over someone, Classmates Wang Yang, Chi Yun, and Chen Jinzhou from your school, the three of them killed a student from our school, please, hand it over to you—" Lu Yaoguang glanced sharply at Ye Quan who was standing Behind Wang Yang and Chi Yun, Ye Quan also looked at Wang Yang and Chi Yun.

Both Wang Yang and Chi Yun were in a daze. They... killed someone?

"Miss," Ye Quan turned around and continued to smile, "I wonder if there is a mistake..."

"Ah, it exists," Lu Yaoguang interrupted Ye Quan's words, "There is a misunderstanding, it depends on whether you are worthy of reconciliation—"

(End of this chapter)

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