Chapter 434 Prepare for War (09)

Others may go in one ear and out the other, but Gu Zhiyang, as long as he wants to hear, there is nothing he can't understand!

As long as you read the textbook in advance, everything the teacher said is fine.

On weekdays, the content that can be memorized by occasionally flipping through the textbooks, for him, learning is not difficult.

It's just that he was too lazy to move during the exam.

Nobody cares.The woman didn't care, and the teachers pretended not to see it, so what did he test?Since it is the same whether he takes the test or not, why should he waste that time to take the test? If he has this time, he might as well read more books.

It's just that I didn't expect that in the eyes of others, I usually look like a fool, have no intention of studying, and my grades are at the bottom, which will be a reason for Yaoguang to help me make up lessons this time.

With her to help me make up lessons, so what if I pretend to be stupid for a while?
As long as I can spend more time alone with her, what's the point of listening to what I've already learned?

Well, I have to say that she has her own teaching method, which is very good, and it is different from the methods taught by the school teachers. Even he, who already understands it, feels a little bit uncomfortable when listening to her class. mean.

Although, he was pretending to be serious the whole time, but in fact he was just watching her secretly.

He likes that she is serious when she lectures, especially when she talks about what she thinks is interesting.

I also like to listen to her voice when she lectures, it's very nice...
She was sitting very close to herself, and whenever she asked her a question that she "wouldn't know", she could always smell a faint fragrance from her body.

Different from the perfume worn by other girls, the fragrance on her body should be her body fragrance. He has never seen her use cosmetics.

Her body fragrance is very good, if you don't get close to it, you will definitely not be able to smell it!
Gu Zhiyang left Lu Yaoguang's lips, quietly sat down beside Lu Yaoguang, and followed Lu Yaoguang's face, while lying on the table, just like this, looking at Lu Yaoguang quietly, he didn't Knowing why, in my heart, I feel very quiet and peaceful, very peaceful... as if all the annoying things will be relieved.

Is this your magic power?
Yao Guang······
I think I may have been poisoned.

Gu Zhiyang stretched out his hand, and gently traced the outline of Lu Yaoguang over Lu Yaoguang's cheek.Lu Yaoguang is beautiful, but he is not the most beautiful person he has ever seen.But among all the people he has met, it is the one who makes his eyes stop the most.The second person after Pingting...

No, maybe even more than Pingting!
She always has a way to make herself angry, and after making herself angry, she is annoyed, thinking about how to talk to her, and thinking about whether she was impulsive just now?Maybe I can talk to her in another way.Maybe this time there is no need to fight at all!

After finally reconciling, she would feel angry, feel, jealous because of other boys' eyes on her...
Could it be that I have fallen in love with Yaoguang from a very early age?

Gu Zhiyang didn't know how to answer this answer.

When did it happen?He couldn't talk about it, but when he found out, he realized that his feelings for her had already been deeply rooted in his heart, and it was hard to get back...

(End of this chapter)

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