Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 436 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 436 Returning Triumphantly (01)

Gu Zhiyang really wanted to wake up immediately and hit Lu Yaoguang's head hard with his hand, don't keep thinking so wildly? !

"Well... for the sake of completing the exam papers, and doing pretty well, this time, forget it..." Lu Yaoguang looked at the full-score exam papers in his hand, and said contentedly, the previous ones The annoyance has long since disappeared...
Hearing what Lu Yaoguang said, Gu Zhiyang, who was "sleeping soundly", raised the corners of his mouth even more...

A week passed by in a hurry.

During this week, St. Geli no longer has the so-called "polarization". Everyone is actively preparing for the battle, and the teachers are responsible for studying the topics and printing them to the students in the school. "The teacher's responsibility is to teach seriously and help everyone.

Even though, there will still be a small number of people who choose to give up, but looking at the learning atmosphere around them, they still endured, and they couldn't help but want to get active, do their part for St. Geli, and gritted their teeth to persevere.

Sakura Emperor Academy.

St. Geli's students were all wearing school uniforms, standing at the school gate, waiting.

That's right, each of them is wearing St. Geli's school uniform.

This morning, before departure, the students in the "Noble District" suddenly each took out a gift and handed it to the "teacher" who had come to help them study these days. , and this gift is the school uniform of St. Geli College.

Most of the students who gave gifts were a little embarrassed, but the students who received gifts were indeed surprised.

"Here, you have helped us so much these days, a gift for you." He Chaowen handed it to his "teacher" these days and also the student council president in the "slum"-Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng accepted the "gift" in his hands with a look of surprise, and he stared at He Chaowen blankly, making He Chaowen feel a little embarrassed, "Actually, it can't be called a 'gift', it's just that you put your heart and soul into it. You tried your best to help us so much, and you also helped me when I had an accident last time. This is what you deserve just like us. I hope you will not be offended by the previous things. "

Xu Sheng was a little surprised by the change in He Chaowen's attitude. Although He Chaowen's personality has changed a lot since we got along this week, he was still somewhat surprised when he suddenly said "I hope you don't take offense". .

Later, when every student in the "slums" opened their gifts, everyone had tears on their faces, ah, this is the school uniform of Saint Geli, and they can finally wear the school uniform of Saint Geli .

"Today, let us return in triumph!" These were the last words Gu Zhiyang said when he left with everyone.

"Triumphant return!"

"Triumphant return!"

"Triumphant return!"

Following behind him was the voice of everyone shouting this sentence in unison.

No matter how contradictory St. Geli's interior is, when facing foreign enemies, St. Geli's students will eventually turn into a sharp sword, unite and defend against the enemy together!
Gu Zhiyang stood at the entrance of Yinghuang Academy, looking at the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the school road, he couldn't help sighing: No wonder it is called Yinghuang Academy, there are so many cherry blossom trees, let alone in this city, looking at the whole country, it must be It's also hard to find.

(End of this chapter)

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