Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 447 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 447 Returning Triumphantly (12)

At this time, there was a sudden commotion among the people eliminated by the B phalanx.

Lu Yaoguang looked up, unexpectedly, Han Feng directly pulled up a person's collar, looked fiercely at that person and roared, Lu Yaoguang turned his head and saw that the person caught by Han Feng turned out to be Chen Jinzhou ? !
And Xia Heyi stood beside Han Feng, pulling Han Feng to tell Han Feng not to do anything impulsive.

Han Feng's roar naturally attracted everyone's attention, and the judges quickly said, "Please leave the eliminated contestants first."

"Han Feng, let go first, now is not the time to be angry!" Xia Heyi took Han Feng's hand, Han Feng let go of Chen Jinzhou's hand angrily, Chen Jinzhou smiled mockingly at Han Feng, Han Feng endured it, He was dragged away by Xia Heyi.

That is to say, are He Yi and Han Feng eliminated? !
Lu Yaoguang watched the two leave, and thought inwardly that it was terrible, they were eliminated? !

Moreover, what happened to the commotion between Han Feng and Chen Jinzhou just now?Could it be that Chen Jinzhou did something wrong with their elimination this time? !Lu Yaoguang took another look, Chen Jinzhou unexpectedly left with him? !This also means that Chen Jinzhou is also one of the eliminated players? !

What happened to the riot just now? !

Just when Lu Yaoguang was puzzled, the person in front of him was finally audited and he was eliminated!
Lu Yaoguang handed out his test paper nervously, don't think so much now, just hope that he can successfully advance!Go back later to learn more about what happened to them!

Lu Yaoguang waited for the teacher to mark the papers, while watching the countdown time scrolling on the big screen.

"Congratulations!" Just as Lu Yaoguang held his breath and closed his eyes to wait for the result, the teacher's voice came from his ear, and Lu Yaoguang stood aside very happily. After Lu Yaoguang left, time stopped !

Those who have not been graded by the teacher, no matter how good their test papers are, have already lost their qualifications and have been eliminated...
"Congratulations to all the students who have successfully advanced, now please stand up in front of the stage. Now we will take a short break, and we will lead you to the fourth round of the knowledge contest!"

After Mr. Aoki finished speaking, the students who successfully advanced to the third round of the knowledge competition gathered in front of the stage one after another. Lu Yaoguang anxiously searched the crowd. He Yi and Han Feng left just now. Has Little One been eliminated? !
Fortunately, after Lu Yaoguang looked around, she finally found Ji Shaoyi's figure. She walked to Ji Shaoyi's side, and found that Ji Shaoyi's face was showing a very unhappy and irritable expression at the moment.

"Great, you stayed too." After Ji Shaoyi saw Lu Yaoguang, the expression on his face eased.

"Ji Shaoyi, there seems to be a dispute between Han Feng and that Chen Jinzhou just now, and He Yi is also beside him, do you know what happened to them just now?!" Lu Yaoguang sat next to Ji Shaoyi, now hoping to explain what happened just now. It is the first thing to figure out!
"I'm in the same square with them, so I know what happened!" Ji Shaoyi said, clenching his hands angrily, and the veins on his arms popped. "That damned Chen Jinzhou!"······

(End of this chapter)

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