Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 459 Not Someone She Cares About

Chapter 459 Not Someone She Cares About

As Ye Quan said, he looked at Wang Yang with interest. Hearing Ye Quan's words, Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then also laughed, "As expected of Ye Quan, you know my plan."

Regarding Wang Yang's praise, Ye Quan was noncommittal, "Do you think I won't be able to guess it because of your careful thinking? How about it, did she send a text message?" As soon as Ye Quan said this, Wang Yang's smile froze. After putting it on his face, Ye Quan looked at Wang Yang's expression and said leisurely, "It seems that she hasn't returned to you yet, has she?"

Wang Yang tightened his grip on the phone and nodded helplessly.

Lulu, she hasn't replied to her text message yet...

"Maybe, she's not here..." Wang Yang murmured, and now, he could only choose to believe that Lulu didn't have time to reply to his text messages because she was still busy and didn't have time to look at her phone.

Ye Quan's eyeballs twirled in their sockets, he suddenly reached out and took Wang Yang's cell phone, "I want to know if she is there, I have a way!"

Wang Yang watched with some puzzlement as Ye Quan took his mobile phone and turned on the photo album function. He saw that Ye Quan was holding the mobile phone in his left hand, and the camera was aimed at Yunyi. With his right hand, he took out a lighter from his pocket and put it in front of the camera. , chose a good angle, on the lighter, the ignited flame, in the camera, just slightly burned Yunyi's face.

With a sound of "click—" Ye Quan took this photo in time, and found the person Wang Yang sent the message to in Wang Yang's text message, "Is this right?" Just in case, Ye Quan held the phone , looked at the note "Lulu" on the phone, and confirmed it again with Wang Yang.

Wang Yang nodded, "Yes, that's right, it's her. Ye Quan, what are you doing?!" As soon as Wang Yang finished speaking, Ye Quan had already sent the photo——

Wang Yang snatched his mobile phone, "Ye Quan, are you crazy?!" However, Wang Yang hadn't finished speaking yet, at this moment, the phone's text message rang, and Wang Yang looked at his phone in disbelief. Some slightly trembled and opened the text message——

"Wang Yang, if you dare to do this, I will not forgive you! I will not for the rest of my life!" The information came from——Lulu? !

At this moment, Wang Yang's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

Ye Quan looked at Wang Yang's absent-minded state, and then "fanned the flames" and said, "Hey, it seems that our beauty Bailu is not free..."

Instead, I saw the text message you sent, but I didn't want to reply to you.

Just because you are not the one she cares about.

And when you send a text message that seems to hurt someone, but you have not received a reply, and suddenly receive a text message, the speed is fast, and you have not received a reply, and you are not on the same channel at all... ··
Bai Lu, why are you treating me so cruelly? !

At this moment, there was a flash of pain in Wang Yang's eyes, and at this moment, a bell rang suddenly in St. Geli's preparation area. The sound of this bell came from a single person!

A person who is hurting himself so badly that his body is completely shattered!
Yunyi took out his mobile phone, he knew who it was, but now is not the time to answer the phone...

Yunyi chose to hang up the phone, but what followed was a series of text message prompts... Yunyi frowned, which was rare.

(End of this chapter)

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