Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 468 This Is The Man You Like

Chapter 468 This Is The Man You Like
When the host Xiaomeng announced the final result, everyone in St. Geli was boiling...

"Wow! Ji Shao, you are so handsome!"

"Young Master Ji is great! Young Master Ji, you are the best! Young Master Ji is really amazing!"

"Ji Shaoyi, you are the best!"

"Come on, Saint Geli! Saint Geli will win!"

Almost all St. Geli's students stood up, and some boys were so excited that they even took off their coats and threw them up in the air, as if Ji Shaoyi had already won the championship!
Chi Yun was so angry that he slapped the answering device in front of him, and his hand immediately turned red, but he didn't care at all, watching Ji Shaoyi's face slowly filled with hatred, good you Ji Shaoyi One, you have the guts!

Chi Yun stepped down depressed, Ji Shaoyi stood on the stage with a triumphant smile...
This is the picture that appeared on the TV screen in the background at this moment. Everyone in St. Geli's preparation area showed joyful smiles on their faces, and Gu Zhiyang even slapped Yunyi on the shoulder, "Okay, Yunyi , really accurate..."

Yunyi touched her painful shoulder, looked at Gu Zhiyang, "I'm sure you can't beat anyone!"

Gu Zhiyang: "Don't talk about hitting someone, I want to kiss you!"

"So Yun Shao could have guessed such a result early on?! It's amazing!"

A member of St. Geli's College who participated in the competition looked at Yunyi with admiration on his face. He was really amazing, and he could even guess this!
Ji Shaoyi's victory is undoubtedly tantamount to giving the people of St. Geli College another shot in the arm. As a result, they now know that the reason why Ji Shaoyi won is because of Yunyi's help behind him. At this moment, their hearts are not only You have gained stability, and even gained a force called "confidence". What can you do if you have a large number of people in Yinghuang Academy? !Our St. Geli has a military division!He could have guessed the result!
Perhaps, "Young Master Yun, you shouldn't have guessed that Ji Shaohui and that Chi Yun would meet in this kind of competition, right? Could it be that the second time Ji Shao's hand speed slowed down, Is it also because of Shao Yun's arrangement?!"

Yunyi didn't answer this guess, he just smiled warmly, Gu Zhiyang just patted the speaker's shoulder, Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi smiled tacitly at each other.

At this time, let you guess!If we don't answer, you will become more curious, and the more curious you will be, the more you will guess, and this kind of guessing is for them, guessing in a good direction, why not do it? !
Lu Yaoguang looked at Yunyi with a sense of admiration in his eyes, "Yunyi, that's amazing!"

When Yunyi heard Lu Yaoguang's "praise" to him, his whole smile changed. He looked at Lu Yaoguang, his eyes were full of tenderness, "It's nothing..."

Wang Yang sat in the preparation area of ​​Yinghuang Academy, listening, watching everything that happened in the preparation area of ​​St. Geli, especially the "interaction" between Yunyi and Lu Yaoguang, which made him very angry!

Good you Yunyi, Lulu is so obsessed with you!You are actually here...

Lulu, Lulu, I really feel worthless for you, have you seen, this is the real appearance of the man you like!He's just...

(End of this chapter)

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