Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 470 I'm Waiting For You——

Chapter 470 I'm Waiting For You——

"Bang——" Ye Quan kicked over the chair in front of him, put his hands in his pockets, and was very irritable, "Damn everyone is so 'heroic'? Isn't it the same as being used as a gunner when you go out?! Just go out and stand for Lao Tzu for a while to brush up the sense of existence and then just brush it off?! All of them are useless waste!"

Wang Yang stepped forward, patted Ye Quan on the shoulder, but was waved away by Ye Quan, "Don't touch me, I'm very annoying now!"

Ye Quan was troubled, in addition to those people who were scrambling to get on the stage in front of him who were all brushed off, there were also those people in St. Geli who were sitting in the preparation area, Gu Zhiyang, Yunyi, Lu Yaoguang, There are other people, except for Gu Zhiyang, Yunyi and Lu Yaoguang, I feel that the other people are the same as those who played on my side just now, with cannon fodder strength.

But, what is the strength of Gu Zhiyang's three people?It's really hard to say now!
He and Wang Yang are the last trump cards here at Yinghuang.As for St. Geli, apart from the Lu Yaoguang girl, Gu Zhiyang and that Yunyi, from what they revealed just now, it seems that Yunyi has already guessed that the situation like this will happen? !

If it's fake, that's fine, the point is, he actually thinks it's real now!

He still knew about Yunyi's strength investigation there, but that Gu Zhiyang...

It has always been countdown before, but this time the competition has reached the last level? !What is luck?Or strength?
What if in the end, Wang Yang and himself were left to deal with them?Will they stand a chance? !

Not to mention, there is still Ji Shaoyi standing on the stage now!

Ye Quan grabbed his hair with his hands, annoying!Really annoying!Why, will it become like this? !Logically speaking, they should be sure to win!But now, Chi Yun has been eliminated, and the rest are some useless guys. It looks like they will lose? !
"Ye Quan, I know what you're bothered about," Wang Yang who was pushed away by Ye Quan was not angry, his anger had already disappeared when he saw Yunyi smiling at Lu Yaoguang just now...
Yunyi smiled at other girls, wouldn't that be better? !What is he mad about?Why are you fighting for Lulu? !

At this time, he should be happy. Yunyi doesn't like Lulu, and he will let Lulu deeply realize this fact.As long as Lulu wakes up, she will understand who is the one who really treats her well!
"Your worries don't exist. I promise you." Wang Yang pulled Ye Quan over and sat down, "Guarantee? What guarantee do you have?!" Ye Quan had just finished speaking when he realized that he had said something to Wang Yang What, he lowered his head helplessly, "I'm sorry Wang Yang, I'm very irritable now, I know you are different from those idiots."

Wang Yang looked at Ye Quan who was hanging his head down, and thought in his heart that it was not good. With Ye Quan's appearance, he might have to take medicine again...

"You just wait and see here. The champion of this knowledge contest is our Yinghuang Academy." Wang Yang stood up, and after the people who played in Yinghuang Academy were brushed off by Ji Shaoyi again, he walked onto the stage. Before leaving , Yunyi looked at Wang Yang, and Wang Yang said with his lips, "I'm waiting for you—" After speaking, a ostentatious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked onto the stage...

(End of this chapter)

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