Chapter 475 Several Meanings

Naturally, Wang Yang didn't know that Chi Yun's idea of ​​wanting to win was because he wanted to rub Ji Shaoyi's spirit, but even if he knew Chi Yun's thoughts, it made no difference to him.

All he knew was that he was going to win now!
To defeat Ji Shaoyi, let Yunyi come out!Compete with yourself!He will definitely prove like Lulu that he is several times stronger than Yunyi!
Lulu, when the time comes, can my status in your heart be improved a little bit? !

"Wow, I didn't expect Wang Yang and Ji Shaoyi to be filled with such a strong smell of gunpowder before the competition started!" The host Xiaomeng naturally heard the conversation between Ji Shaoyi and Wang Yang just now, she cleverly Taking advantage of the conversation between Wang Yang and Ji Shaoyi just now, "Then, let us witness together, in this competition, which one will be eliminated, Ji Shaoyi or Wang Yang?!"

"Look at the big screen!"

As the host Xiaomeng pointed his finger at the big screen again, a countdown began to scroll on the screen. "Three, two, one!"

As soon as the question appeared, Ji Shao looked at it for two seconds, and immediately pressed the button in front of him. At this time, the button in front of Wang Yang was also pressed, and the question disappeared on the big screen——

"Ah..." The host Xiaomeng watched the situation that happened when Ji Shaoyi and Chi Yun were playing together just now, "I really didn't expect that the speed of our classmate Ji Shaoyi and Wang Yang's answering questions was so fast. It’s actually so unmatched!”

Looking at this scene on the stage, Chi Yun was quite shocked. Although he believed that Wang Yang could win, he did not expect that Ji Shaoyi's speed could be so fast, let alone that Wang Yang could actually win. Also kept up with Ji Shaoyi's speed? !
"Hey Chi Yun," Chen Jinzhou suddenly opened his mouth and interjected when Chi Yun was thinking about why Wang Yang's hands could be so fast.

Chi Yun said impatiently, "What are you doing?" He was annoyed because he couldn't figure out Wang Yang's answering speed, Chen Jinzhou, this guy came to annoy himself again!

"I suddenly noticed a problem," Chen Jinzhou looked at the two standing on the stage, and said to Chi Yun who was sitting next to him, "You said, you claim to be the 'fastest player' in our school, but now, you Being brushed off by Ji Shaoyi from St. Geli College, what does this prove? It proves that your speed is not as fast as others. "

"Hey! Chen Jinzhou, don't talk nonsense! Didn't you see how I lost just now?! I snatched the button first and then got the wrong answer because I didn't see the question clearly, but the guy surnamed Ji saw it. He answered correctly It's complete, so I lost! What do you mean my speed is not as good as others?! This is incomparable, right?!" As soon as Chi Yun heard that Chen Jinzhou questioned his hand speed, he immediately exploded.

It's no wonder, after all, before Chi Yun took part in this knowledge contest, whenever Yinghuang Academy held this quick-answer competition system, there was always only one TOP1, and that never changed, and that was him——Chi Yun!
Now Chen Jinzhou actually came to doubt his hand speed? !What do you mean? !Even friends can't forgive, okay? !

"So what? Who cares?! Chi Yun, if you lose, you lose," Chen Jinzhou made a helpless gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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