Chapter 477 Yunyi, come out

Ji Shaoyi happened to look up at Wang Yang, seeing the deepening smile at the corner of Wang Yang's mouth, a strange feeling flashed in his heart, could it be...Wang Yang did it on purpose? !
"Oh, what a coincidence!" The host Xiaomeng received the information from the backstage. After the machine comparison, the speed of Ji Shaoyi and Wang Yang's answering at the same time turned out to be exactly the same!
Yes, exactly the same again!This also means that they have to compete again!

The stillness—the stillness—

Chi Yun held hands unwillingly but then dropped them helplessly. Chen Jinzhou smiled heartlessly. How long have they known Wang Yang? !He and Wang Yang have been friends for so long, how could he not know what Wang Yang's smile means now!
The more Chi Yun thought about it, the more unwilling he felt, damn Wang Yang!He actually hid his strength for so long!

Damn it, after he finished the competition, he had to take a layer of skin out of him, and deceive himself like this, is it interesting to watch others call him the "No. [-] Fast Hand" of Yinghuang Academy? !Judging from this game, it is obviously Wang Yang, his hand speed is faster...
After all, he is now free to control the time and speed of his answering.

Controlled, exactly the same as Ji Shaoyi, what does this mean? !

This means that Wang Yang, he simply does whatever he wants!He is simply handy!He is very confident in his speed of answering, the speed of reading questions, and the speed of thinking of answers!

Could it be that Wang Yang deliberately lost to him in the previous games? !Really, it's interesting to see him make a fool of himself like this...
Chi Yun's heart became more and more upset, but now is not the time for him to explode. On the one hand, what he is upset about is that Wang Yang hides his strength and deliberately loses to him in the previous duel with him. Feel at ease for Wang Yang's current strong strength. This time, their Yinghuang Academy is sure to win!

Wang Yang looked at the opposite Ji Shaoyi who seemed to have noticed the "strange" Ji Shaoyi, and couldn't help ridiculing: Did you see Ji Shaoyi?The reason why the two of us have the same speed is because I let you, I follow your "step" to answer, I just want to let you clearly understand the gap between you and me!
So, got it? !Come on, get out!
Don't bother me!Next, the duel with Yunyi!

In Ji Shaoyi's heart, he is very upset now, damn Wang Yang!He is simply "letting" himself!But Ji Shaoyi is more upset than himself!
Why, can't my speed be faster!
If even he loses, St. Geli will be at a disadvantage!
However, at the beginning of the third round, Wang Yang won against Ji Shaoyi without any surprise - in terms of answering speed.

And Wang Yang directly announced the correct answer directly. After the announcement, he didn't even look at Ji Shaoyi. He just pointed at the camera. This camera allows people in the backstage to clearly see everything that is happening in the foreground. , Wang Yang looked at the camera and shook his index finger at the camera, "Yunyi, come out."

"Ahhhh!" Until this moment, the talents of Yinghuang Academy were boiling again!They held it in for so long, and the sound of "boiling" again almost lifted the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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