Chapter 482 Unknown Topic
"Is it really a coincidence..." Yunyi's words kept appearing in Wang Yang's mind, Wang Yang's hands began to tremble slightly, what did Yunyi mean by saying this? !Does he think he will lose? !What an international joke!
It's just that he is on par with him in speed, so where does he come from with ease? !

If it was really easy, then how could he draw with himself again in the third game? !
Yunyi, you are just bluffing!
Yes, Wang Yang, he is just bluffing, you have nothing to be nervous about? !

"Ah, this is really..." The host Xiaomeng wiped the sweat off her face involuntarily. What's going on now? !Is this too coincidental? !
The level of the competition between St. Geli College and Yinghuang College is really different!But if it goes on like this, I'm going to die. What if the characters that appear next are like this every time they compete with others? !Is it possible to do it all over again every time? !Why haven't the judges given themselves a specific answer until now, should they change the competition system? !

"Let's look at it together, the next question—" However, this time, just as the host Xiao Menghua finished speaking, there was a loud "boom——" sound from somewhere. They were all startled, but fortunately, after the sound lasted for a while, they immediately returned to calm.

A staff member hurriedly came to the host Xiaomeng, told her to continue the game, and sent people to check the situation outside.

Xiaomeng nodded and presided over the competition again. Yunyi and Wang Yang, who were standing on the stage just now, were also shocked by the loud noise, but fortunately, it didn't affect the mood of the two of them at the moment.

"There was a small situation just now, but it doesn't affect our next game. Please don't panic. Next, let's continue the game. Let's look at the big screen - the next question, I hope this time, Wang Yang Classmate and Yunyi can compete!" Oh my god, I really need to hurry up and compete!Otherwise, she doesn't even know how to host it!
Yunyi looked at the answering machine in front of her, it seemed that it was time...
"Three, two, one!" Following the final countdown, the questions on the big screen immediately appeared, and the page was full. Although the length of the first question was slightly shorter than that of the first question, fortunately this question The question does not have punctuation marks like the first question before, but...

"My God, what is this topic?! I haven't seen it before!"

"Yeah, what kind of topic is this?! Is there such a topic?!"

"Is this within the range given to us?"

One minute after the question was released, people on both sides of Yinghuang College and Saint Geli College began to whisper, and everyone said "I haven't seen this question", "I don't know the answer to this question", even Wang Yang and Yunyi also didn't press the answering device for a long time.

2 minutes later...

"Uh, it seems that this question is indeed a bit difficult, and it stumped our classmate Yunyi and Wang Yang." The host Xiaomeng saw that the two hadn't answered quickly, and said...
(End of this chapter)

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