Chapter 484 Xiaobai
"Never allow to be insulted!" Yunyi's words resounded in Wang Yang's ears. Next, Yunyi read out the answer to this "super-class" question. In fact, this question is not super-class, but the test The scope is too remote, basically it belongs to the kind of exam questions that are written in the class mark, most people will choose to skip such corners, and this time the questions are going around, it is easy to get people around I fainted, so it was not easy to answer this question correctly.


"Let's verify whether student Yunyi's answer is correct?!" The host Xiaomeng pointed to the big screen, and the answer displayed on the big screen was exactly the same as what Yunyi said!
So this question, Yunyi, wins!



"Tell me it's true! Am I not dreaming? Am I dreaming?" The St. Geli College people couldn't believe what they saw when they heard the host Xiaomeng announce the final result. But everyone is still very happy for Yunyi's victory, everyone is cheering!

Wang Yang's face can almost be described as "face ashes". Is Yun Yi like this, avenging Ji Shaoyi? !

Use this, extremely humiliating way to tell yourself how inferior you are to him? !

Deliberately dealing with himself in the first two rounds, bringing a certain amount of psychological pressure to himself, doubting what kind of strength Yunyi is, is it a fight with what he has?Perhaps, has surpassed oneself?In the third game, I deliberately kept the same speed as myself, so that I could have a little luck with his strength. In the fourth game, I tested myself in the same way as before and put pressure on myself. When you are sure of winning, give yourself another fatal blow!
Yunyi, is this your wishful thinking? !Really are······

Just because Ji Shaoyi was insulted here?So Yunyi, are you going to let me have a taste of this? !
You clearly knew that I had a reason to defeat you, but you slapped yourself so loudly, telling yourself, how much difference is there in strength between you and yourself, Yunyi? !
Yunyi, you, as expected, are scary...

No wonder Lulu she...
Wang Yang was planning to step down, but the moment he turned around, he saw a figure, yes, that's right, this figure, no matter what, he would not be wrong!
"Lulu...?!" Wang Yang's expression and tone were full of disbelief and surprise. What's going on?Are you blinded by yourself?Lulu, why is she here? !
However, just when Wang Yang was about to take a step to rush to Bai Lu's side, there was already a person who jumped off the stage quickly, one step ahead of him, and ran straight in Bai Lu's direction——

"Xiaobai——" Yunyi's voice was almost drowned out in the noisy venue because of him, but his voice was so clearly heard in Bailu's ears, Bailu pulled the hood on her head The hat, facing Yunyi who was rushing towards him, smiled sweetly—"Yunyi..."

Yunyi stood beside Bai Lu, with a very complicated expression on her face...

(End of this chapter)

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