Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 488 Now Is Not The Time For You To Be Hooligan

Chapter 488 Now Is Not The Time For You To Be Hooligan

"What's going on?" Backstage, Lu Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang watched the sudden scene on the screen. Yunyi was standing on the stage perfectly, why did she suddenly run off? !

Through the screen, Gu Zhiyang, Lu Yaoguang and the others could only see Yunyi running down the stage, but nothing else.But after a while, another commotion was heard at the scene.

"No, I have to go and see." Hearing the commotion coming from the screen, Lu Yaoguang was a little restless, wondering why Yunyi ran off the stage and didn't see anyone for so long?Moreover, the sound coming from the screen is too messy, it seems that something happened, it is better to go and have a look...
"Hey, where are you going?" Gu Zhiyang sat on the seat, holding the mobile phone in one hand, and grabbing Lu Yaoguang's arm with the other, "I'll go to the front desk to see what's going on, the game seems to last for a while I can't go on anymore." Lu Yaoguang explained where he was going, but seeing Gu Zhiyang's expression on his face seemed not very happy, he picked up his mobile phone, and on it was a message sent to him by Ji Shaoyi: Bai Lu came, but suddenly passed out for unknown reasons, and Yun Yi took her to the hospital.

"There's no need to go, here's what you want to know." Gu Zhiyang raised his mobile phone and pointed the screen at Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang looked at the content on the phone, Bai... Lu... ·?This name is so familiar, she seems to have heard it somewhere...
Who is this girl?To be able to make Yunyi leave the stage and rush to the front of the stage, it seems that this girl should be very important to Yunyi.

"Then let's go next...huh..." Lu Yaoguang said halfway, before he could react, Gu Zhiyang suddenly pulled his hand back Pulling, the whole person fell down on Gu Zhiyang's lap unexpectedly, and Gu Zhiyang stretched his hand forward, encircling Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

The people around were watching what was going on between Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang, the people from St. Geli College consciously turned their heads to one side, but the people from Yinghuang College were looking straight at Gu Zhiyang Looking over here, still whispering something, Lu Yaoguang's face turned red immediately.

She whispered to Gu Zhiyang behind her, "Gu Fanfeng, what are you doing?! Let me go, now is not the time for you to play hooligans!"

Gu Zhiyang hugged Lu Yaoguang in this position, but refused to speak, but Lu Yaoguang wanted to struggle away but was stopped by Gu Zhiyang. After a few minutes of stalemate, the host Xiaomeng was uploaded on the screen. The voice said, "Er... there seems to be a little situation at the scene. It seems that Yunyi, a contestant from St. Geli College, will not be able to participate in this round, so we have to regard Yunyi as a voluntary abandonment of the competition. , Please Yinghuang Academy and Saint Geli Academy send contestants again to continue the competition."

After the host Xiaomeng finished speaking, Lu Yaoguang was about to stand up, but Gu Zhiyang kept hugging Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang had no choice but to step on Gu Zhiyang's foot, Gu Zhiyang ate Pain, loosening the grip on Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang took advantage of the situation to break free from Gu Zhiyang's arms——

She bowed down...

(End of this chapter)

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