Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 491 "Foretelling things like a god"

Chapter 491 "Foretelling things like a god"

"You!" Ye Quan didn't expect that he wanted to ridicule Gu Zhiyang, but he was not as good as Gu Zhiyang in terms of lip service. When Gu Zhiyang said this, he couldn't think of anything else. Mouth back and forth.

"Are you so confident?" But who is he, Ye Quan?At this time, how can we "be willing to bow down".

Gu Zhiyang nodded lazily.

"It's just a woman on the stage. Look at me. Besides me, there are five other strong people!" Ye Quan pointed confidently behind him. Apart from one person who played, there are four other people who are staring at Gu Zhiyang now.

"Even if there is only one woman on stage, it's my Gu Zhiyang's woman!" Gu Zhiyang suddenly leaned forward, facing Ye Quan, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he looked straight at Ye Quan.The implication is that Lao Tzu's women are definitely not bad, as long as they have the ability to defeat the five of you with one person!
Ye Quan was not intimidated by Gu Zhiyang's arrogance, "So what if it's your woman? Gu Zhiyang, don't forget, if you, Sheng Geli, lose, you will unconditionally hand over what we want from Yinghuang Academy." I said at the beginning that what I want is her—" Ye Quan pointed to the side where Lu Yaoguang's red face and those big watery eyes appeared on the screen. , when I saw Lu Yaoguang on the screen, I was first attracted by her eyes, the more I looked at her, the more I felt that she was good-looking, experience!
Especially her indifferent, unfazed, like "out of mud but not stained, clean and clear but not demon." temperament, it is really hard to find among the few women who are well-deserved beauties!
"Then give it a try." Seeing Ye Quan's fingers pointing at Lu Yaoguang, and his eyes staring at Lu Yaoguang unscrupulously, Gu Zhiyang's breath suddenly turned cold.

The four members of Yinghuang Academy's preparation area suddenly felt cold. It was strange, did they turn on the air conditioner, why did they feel cold?

Even Ye Quan was "stimulated" by Gu Zhiyang's sudden cold air.

"Then, let's wait and see!"

Ye Quan leaned forward as well, provoking each other with Gu Zhiyang, and before he played, there was already a turmoil here...

"Wow~, I didn't expect that the member of St. Geli Academy's photo shoot this time is actually a beautiful woman~" the host Xiaomeng saw Lu Yaoguang appearing on the stage, and quickly joked. Following Xiaomeng's teasing, the stage After seeing Lu Yaoguang, some people from Yinghuang Academy whistled a few times.The atmosphere was stirred up again.

"Hey, it's a pity..." Chi Yun looked at Lu Yaoguang who was standing on the stage, Jinzhou took Wang Yang to the hospital, and left himself watching the stage alone, already drowsy It's very boring, because no matter how you look at it or think about it, their Yinghuang Academy is sure to win!

I don't know whether to say that Ye Quan "knows things like a god", or what to say about him, or how stupid the woman Wang Yang likes is...

Actually rushed to the scene because of a photo? !
But so what?In the end, her appearance brought them great benefits to Yinghuang Academy...
(End of this chapter)

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