Chapter 495 I Matched You
"I didn't expect it to be you and me." Ye Quan looked at Lu Yaoguang with a flicker in his eyes. He really liked this woman more and more...

Lu Yaoguang really felt very uncomfortable with Ye Quan's eyes, she slightly moved her eyes away, "Let's start the game." This sentence was said to the host Xiaomeng, she really didn't want to fight with Ye Quan at all. Ye Quan said anything, this person is a "stalker" at first glance, and she has no intention of communicating with him, she just wants to end this game quickly...

"Hehe, I didn't expect that he has a big temper." Ye Quan was not angry because Lu Yaoguang ignored him. On the contrary, the more Lu Yaoguang's attitude was like this, the more interesting Ye Quan felt, and the more he wanted to get Lu Yaoguang out of the way. The person named Gu Zhiyang was snatched from his side! "Then, please give me some advice, Yaoguang..." Ye Quan glanced and saw Lu Yaoguang's name displayed on the stage. Lu Yaoguang had never told him her name before. But from the instruments on the stage and the voices of St. Geli cheering for her, one can know that the name Lu, Yao, Guang,... is quite nice, um, it is worthy of her... ·

When Lu Yaoguang heard his name said from Ye Quan's mouth, he felt bad all over.

She has rarely been in a situation like this, where she feels so uncomfortable when someone calls her name.

There are very few people, and Ye Quan is one of them!
"Wow, this might be the last match for Yinghuang Academy. I didn't expect our classmate Ye Quan to be so calm! It's really not easy! Although the current situation may not be too much for Yinghuang Academy. Okay, but I hope Ye Quan can add..." The host Xiaomeng's smile froze on his face, and cold sweat fell on his forehead, because of what she said, Ye Quan is now expressing a very cold expression. Staring at Xiaomeng with straight eyes, Xiaomeng felt very uncomfortable and felt a slight chill down her spine, "Then, without further ado, let's start the game!"

"Look at the big screen!"

Lu Yaoguang stared at the big screen intently, took a deep breath, but his hands clenched into fists involuntarily, come on, Yaoguang!Success or failure, in one fell swoop!If you win, Saint Gregory wins!

"Three, two, one!"


The audience was shocked!

Everyone looked at Ye Quan's button in unison. What, what's going on? !

Including Lu Yaoguang and the host Xiaomeng on the stage, both of them opened their eyes wide. Ye Quan and he... almost displayed the numbers on the big screen, and the moment the title just appeared, press the button Get off the answering machine in front of him!this······
Can he be sure that he can read the entire question? !
"Wow... as expected of Young Master Ye! That's amazing!"

"Great! We're sure to win this game!"

"Don't be nervous, he hasn't said the answer yet! Maybe it's wrong?!

"Yes, yes, he pressed it so fast, I didn't even see the first line of the question, I couldn't believe it, he could think of the answer so quickly!"

Off the stage, two voices intertwined. Those who believed in Ye Quan were convinced that the Yinghuang Academy had won. So, what is the truth...?

(End of this chapter)

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