Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 499 It's time to grab it!

Chapter 499 It's time to grab it!

"Competitors need to grab the entry when the host says the competition starts, and run back to their answering machine in the shortest possible time, press the answering machine, and then start answering."

"Student Ye Quan, student Gu Zhiyang, do you understand me?"

Ye Quan and Gu Zhiyang nodded to each other, and a gleam flashed in their eyes. It seemed that they had to grab it!

If one of the parties gets the relevant topic information first, then the other party has to take the robbing...
As for how to snatch it.The corners of Gu Zhiyang's and Ye Quan's mouths raised involuntarily, and both of them were well aware of this.

"Since everyone understands, let's start putting on the props now!" After the host Xiaomeng finished speaking, relevant staff on the stage immediately moved the props onto the stage.

"Yaoguang, look at this game, what's going on? What is this prop used for?" Lu Yaoguang came to the place Xia Heyi had stood for her early in the morning ==!

When Lu Yaoguang stepped down, seeing the vacant seat, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. He Yi reserved a seat for himself so early, did he think that she would definitely lose? !

"I don't know, but it seems that this final is not easy..." Lu Yaoguang looked at the new props being arranged on the stage, imitating the state during the earthquake?Only one with something written about the topic on it?Who has to run back to his original answering machine to answer after seeing the question first? !

Why does all of this feel so weird? !

And this kind of competition is already beyond the normal competition rules, isn't it? !

"Ah, then Gu Zhiyang, does he have no chance of winning?" Xia Heyi just finished speaking, and Ji Shaoyi immediately greeted a "chestnut" on his head, "Don't talk nonsense, at this time, you have to treat him well." Confidence." Ji Shaoyi still has some direction in his heart for this competition. After a while, Gu Zhiyang and Ye Quan will definitely appear in the scene of competing for the title of the competition. Regarding Gu Zhiyang's "competition" ability, Ji Shaoyi is not at all Don't worry, the only uncertain factor is the "shock". I don't know if it will affect his performance...
But this kind of influence is from both sides, it will affect Gu Zhiyang, and it will also affect Ye Quan!
So Zhiyang, you have to work hard... Now here, there are so many pairs of eyes looking at you...

Xia Heyi touched the place where Ji Shaoyi hit her on the head, almost bursting into tears, Ji Shaoyi really didn't care too much about it!
"Ji Shaoyi, didn't you have a bad relationship with him before?! Why are you beating me because of him now?!" Unable to bear the "bad breath", Xia Heyi complained to Ji Shaoyi.

Ji Shaoyi: "..."

At this time, Han Feng jumped out from Xia Heyi's side, and said with a smile, "Hey sister, don't you understand this? This is the friendship between us, men!"

"Pfft—" Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi laughed out loud because of Han Feng's "friendship between men". Ji Shaoyi looked away in embarrassment. What kind of friendship between men? What is the use of being so tall? !

"Don't listen to his nonsense, it's just... the sun is pleasing to the eye."

(End of this chapter)

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